Finding the xsins

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We were heading out to look for the xsin of kindness, heaven we got stopped by the knights.

"Hey we are looking for the xsins do you know where they are!!!"  he said screaming at us
'they are idiots they are not even questioning the giant green pig that we are on top of.'

"No, I Haven't SEE THEM." Screamed Kayden after that the pig went past the knight.

" Wow, I didn't think mother's knights will be that much of an idiot," Lucy said still looking at the knights.

" Wait did you say that those are your mother knight's but so that means that your mother is the queen?!? Kayden said looking at lucy surprised.

"No duh dare you really that much of an idiot Kayden." Said, Luna, as she looks at Kayden with no emotions.

"How did you know that she was a prince and I didn't!?! " Kayden said looking at me with a mad face.

"I just know things okay wait a minute I feel like when are near Heaven. " I said looking at Kayden.'I just remembered that Kayden had a huge crush on heaven the xsin of  kindness'

"Really she is near here!" Said lucy and Kayden and they looked at each other then blushed. 

' I ship the Lucy and Kayden, but I know that he likes heaven.' I thought as I was looking at the blush... oh no there something coming at full power.

"Hey captain do you feel that huge amount of power coming this way or is my sense bad,"  Kayden said with a weird look on this face.

" go inside the ban and protect the human," I said with no emotions.

As they when inside I saw something  flying at me *CRASH* 

"OWWWWW WHAT TH-" I was cut off by someone crying on my chest.

"Why did you LEAVE ME!!!" said a fairy boy

"Who are yo-" I said getting up 

"Why did we had to split up in the first place!" The fairy boy said whining now 

" Get away far away you stupid idiot fairy I will never forgive you It's your fault Karma!!!"I said getting really mad at him for what he did. Just then Kayden walked out with Lucy.

"Hey, fairy boy!" Said Kayden with a happy smile.

" Oh hey there old man!" Karma said with a smile too.   

" Do I have to repeat myself or are you going to get off of the pig..." I said getting annoyed of him talking with a shiny smile that is blinding me.

"Why do you want your best friend to go away you suck at being a friend," he said with a cold tone in his voice."

" Me your friend after what you did you must be kidding me I will never be your friend after that," I said as my long black hair was flowing in the wind.

"You'll BE DEAD WHERE YOU STAND!!!" Karma and I said at the same time looking like we will kill everybody.

'What is happening to me i-i can't see. 

                                                (Heaven P.O.V before Luna and Karma blackout)

'I saw 4 people on a big green pig hey that green pig look's like the one captain has so I went up to it it was no problem to see who was on top of the green pig because I am a giant I saw the capital luna, and karma, also Jaden wait who is next to Jaden it was a girl . OH NO, it looks like karma and Luna was going to fight I need to do something I should you Blackout on them.

                                                                   TO BE CONTINUED  

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