Broken Reality TKO Chapter 4!

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Broken Reality TKO
Chapter 4
Created November 8 2018
Created By The Warrior
Mind Drifter

The indecisive warrior is a servant and slave
to the decisive warrior for not having a will
and a purpose of his own. He is forced to
follow in the footsteps of the decisive warrior
for he does not know who or what he is neither
how to get there.

He is set free of this servitude and slavery once
transformed into the decisive warrior. He gains
his own will and purpose and knows exactly who
he is and why.

He is no longer just a footstep but the foot
making the footstep. He leaves his own traces
behind no longer just following traces. He
becomes his own right not just following what is
known to be right.

He goes from having to find his path to walking
his path for the rest of his life. When he is finding
his path anything can detour him from the way
but once found nothing can stop him from
walking it ever again.

I train in the arena while thinking over the
danger lurking in the city.

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