Nash Grier - Rainy Days

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I hope you guys enjoy this! Nash was requested more than Cameron so .. Yeah :)))

You were a famous viner and youtuber. You hung out with other famous people--to which you have to admit is fun sometimes but the hate isn't really fun. Especially since you hung out with the MAGCON boys; mostly Nash and Cameron. You guys would record videos and vines and a lot of people shipped you and Nash and you and Cam.

But you secretly liked Nash more than a friend. But what you didn't know was that he felt the same about you.

You were over his house, making vines when it started to rain heavily. Shrugging it off, you guys continued to make videos and play around. The rain still continued to beat. "I'll leave when the rain lets up." You told him and he nodded. But it only got worse. It started to thunder and lightening struck every corner of the sky.

And you were terrified. Nash could tell by your facial expression whenever thunder rolled heavily. You guys just sat on your phones, surprised the electricity didn't go out, when it the lights blew out finally. You screamed and jumped in Nash's lap since he was sitting beside you. You clung to him and squeezed your eyes shut and trembled softly.

He stroked your thigh and shushed you. "Ssh, it's okay." He rested his nose in your hair and continued to stroke your thigh softly when he received a call. He only had one bar. "Hello? Mom? Are you okay?" You heard a quiet voice speaking through the phone but you couldn't make out any words.

"You sure? I won't mind coming to get you." There was a few more words from her before the call ended. Nash looked over at his phone to see 'No Service' written in the upper left corner. He sighed as I lay back on his chest. He continued to stroke my thigh but I wasn't scared anymore, and it actually felt good.

I tried not to moan as he traced invisible patterns on my thigh but I moved slightly. I glanced at his face and saw him bite his lip. I moved faster and harder and heard him groan. He moaned my name as I started to leave kisses down his neck.

Starting to grind harder, Nash's lips met mine and his tongue traced my bottom for permission and I smiled and shook my head. He groaned as I lifted my leg and straddled him and started to bounce on him, my boobs moving on his chest made his bulge grow.

He asked again for permission and denied him again. I read lots of Dirty Nash Grier Images so I was expecting him to grab my boobs or butt and he did. I didn't gasp and continued to kiss him when thunder boomed and made me gasp to which Nash happily slipped in his tongue. We started to have a tongue fight as I rolled my hips and he did the same, his boner pleading to be released.

That's when he pulled away--since I was winning--and looked at me with half lidded eyes full of lust and a trail of salvia connected us. We ripped off each other's shirts and pants until we were in out undergarments. Nash's boner felt amazing against my wetness. That was when he unclipped my bra and massaged them roughly.

He grabbed my hand to make me massage my own breasts as he put his hand in my panties and started to rub my clit. I moaned loudly and threw my head back, my hips rolling with his rubbing. I bit down on his neck as he moaned and used his other hand to slap my ass roughly.

"UH, harder! Smack my ass harder!" I moaned and let go of my breast with one hand as I snaked it down to his boxers and palmed him through the thin cloth. He moaned and smacked my ass harder and gripped it, rubbing and pinching my clit harder and faster. I took out his member and started to jerk him off, going quickly.

He groaned, smacking my ass repeatedly. I jerked him off faster as our lips crashed hungrily, our tongues wrestling, his hand rubbing me hard and my smacking my ass, my hand jerking him off as I used my other hand to rub his smooth balls.

His hips bucked as I felt a knot in my stomach and screamed loudly as I released all over his hand and he did the same with mine. I was tired out as Nash softly rubbed my now sore ass as I rested my head on his chest. That's when we heard a beeping and whipped our heads around to see his camera on and recording. He looked at me with a half smile, his hair sweated out. I could only imagine how I looked.

"I'll delete it in the morning." I nodded and looked down uneasily. "You don't wanna lose it yet, I understand." He laughed as my face turned red. I thanked him and snuggled closer to his chest.

"I'm telling mom." We heard a cool voice say as we both looked up quickly behind Nash to see his older brother--Will--standing in the doorway. He was holding a beer with a smirk on his face as I scurried to get the cover off the couch and fell, ass in the air. Nash and Will laughed as my face was completely red and I grabbed a cover and wrapped it around my body.

I sat up on the couch, away from the mess as Will glanced at it with a smile. "I hope your first time was great, little brother, but you better get it cleaned up before mom gets home or I'm snitching." He laughed. Nash threw a pillow but Will caught it and threw it on the floor. "I thought you left!" Nash yelled, his face red.

"I was in my room the whole time. When I heard: 'uh, smack my ass harder!' Was when I came upstairs. When the lights went out, I thought you guys were alright so I didn't bother. But I see the camera got it for me." He smirked and winked at me. My body felt hot as I covered my face knowing Will heard my sinful pleads.

Nash rolled his eyes as Will covered his nose. "Let me get out of here, it smells like vagina and penis." He laughed and walked upstairs. Nash pulled me close as we laid on the other couch and covered us both up.

"Will's just mad because I get more pussy than him." You laughed and popped his mouth softly. "Language!" You said before snuggling up to Nash's chest as he pulled you closer.

"I love you, Nash." You mumbled, kissing his lips.

"I love you, too."

I hope you guys liked this, I thought it was pretty funny.

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Have a nice day!

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