Unexpected - Chapter 5

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Toriel softly pulled the brush through Frisk's auburn hair, "my child, are you nervous?" Frisk had been oddly quiet the entire time the pair had been getting ready.

Frisk watched in the mirror as their mother curled locks of hair and pinned them down, "I'm just worried they won't believe me."

"One must expect a healthy amount of skepticism my dear," Toriel backed away to observe her work. Frisk's hair set up with golden buttercup hairpins, curls of auburn in an ornate pattern. "I assure you the monsters will believe you, my word is that of pure honesty and is always well respected."

Frisk sighed, "I just don't want rumors," they rested a hand on their pregnant belly, "I think about when they're older, what if they get picked on? Or someone tries to tell them Sans isn't their father?"

"It is a little early for those thoughts, no?" A soft chuckle, Frisk felt their mother squeeze their shoulder, "my darling grandchildren will have some trait from that skeleton, I truly believe that." Toriel softly kissed the top of Frisk's head, "even if it's just bad jokes and his troublemaking tendencies."

"The doctor says they look human," Frisk's concern was spelled across their face, "also I've been having the worst agonizing heartburn so that means they have hair... I think?"

"Ah yes, a human maid we hired mentioned that when I probed her for information," Toriel smiled and scratched her head, "I tried to look on that internet you children seem to enjoy so much but I spent most of my free time on that 'pinterest' spiderweb."

"Website," Frisk corrected while holding back a chuckle, "it's not a spiderweb."

"I am too old for this," Toriel sighed as she glanced at the large ornate grandfather clock in the corner of the room, "my dear, go acquire your husband it's nearly time. The press should arrive soon."

People had taken notice of Frisk's absence.

Normally Frisk acted as princess and ambassador, they would do the traveling their parents didn't have time for or mediated important meetings. It wasn't always an easy job, but, they were determined to create a lasting peace between both peoples. In the early stages of their pregnancy, Frisk got away with wearing looser clothing. Opting for large coats and more flowing feminine tops. Now, however, Frisk was large. A fact that their aching back would not let them ignore.

It began to cause unease through the diplomatic circles when fellow ambassadors from human nations we not greeted by Frisk's easygoing smile. Instead greeted by the stoic proud face of King Asgore. The tension came to ahead when a visitor flat out asked of anything awful had befallen the princess, leading to excuses and cover-ups.

It was just safer this way, too many opportunities for something to happen early on. Frisk was in the clear now, they were only a couple weeks out. Realistically they could go into the hospital next week if Frisk felt so inclined, they had even read that labour could begin at any moment from this point on.
Frisk hadn't decided for sure if they wanted to wait for nature to take it's course or if they wanted modern medicine to assist them. On one hand, being pregnant was absolutely exhausting and they were ready for it to be over. On the other hand, not much was known about the effect any modern medicine would have on children that were not fully human. A breathy sigh, looking in the mirror more closely. The hairpins were beautiful, the buttercups had become a symbol of perseverance. Frisk would persevere. Things would work out.

The family decided to hold something akin to a press release. Humans and monsters alike were called to gather in front of Toriel and Asgore's home. Their home, while not as amazing as a palace, was a large estate on land gifted to them. The world had changed so much. There was no longer a small village near Mt. Ebott; it was a bustling city.

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