chapter 18

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Appointment and Move In

Gracie's POV:

Nash just kissed me because he was happy his parents were gonna be together again And raise his new coming baby sister and when he kissed me my dad didn't even get mad I was kinda surprised but I still love him no matter what

Nattie: dad me and matt are gonna head out I'll see you at the house oh remember today we watch movies

Tim: oh yeah I remember and go have fun I trust you Matt you can do Whatever you want but use protection

Matt: yes sir

Nash: hey Tim can me and my family come over and watch the movies with y'all

Faith: yeah sure we don't mind

Tim: yeah its fine

Martina: well I should get going I have a doctors appointment to go to do you wanna come Trace?

Trace: yes I do

Tim: we can take Nash and stop by your old house Martina to get his close and things so he can move it to Trace's house

Martina: thanks and David shouldn't be there he's out with his friends today

Tim's POV:

Martina and Trace left to the appointment and we paid for the breakfast and went back to the SUV and drove to Martina's old house Davids truck wasn't there so Nash was in luck

Nash: do you all wanna come in because Idk if he's there or not

Tim: yeah we will

Gracie: we will be right here if anything goes wrong

Nash: thanks

as we entered the house it was quiet but their was a TV turned on and it was playing a movie Idk which because I've never seen it before we looked closer and it was Nathan and Jessica

Nathan: what are you doing here Nash you don't live here

Nash: I came to get my stuff and I leave for good

Nathan: oh hey Gracie

Gracie: don't hug me

Nathan: oh common you can't avoid this

Nash: hey baby why don't you and your family come and help me come upstairs and get away from the drama

Tim: we will

Nathan: wait you and Nash are dating Gracie

Gracie: yes you would have a gf but you chose Jessica over Nattie which is now with Matt so bye Nathan

Nash's POV:

me and the McGraw family went upstairs to my bedroom and I started packing Gracie helped me with my clothes while Tim and Faith got my covers and pillows into the truck And I got my bathroom supplies I was finished just in time I made it out of the house before David came back

Martina's POV:

I'm at the doctor appointment with Trace I'm happy he's here because if he wasn't I would die I love him And care for him so were waiting for a few minutes and my name gets called I get up and Trace gets up after me as I was told lift my shirt up to show my belly I grabbed Trace's hand and held it and look at the screen it showed the baby moving around I heard the heart beat and it made my heart skip a beat i tighten the grip on Trace's hand and looked at him he had a smile on his face he kissed my hand and looked back at the screen

Doctor: OK so the baby girl is healthy heart beat is fine and you should come back in 2 months when your 4 months and she should have grown more by now

Martina: thanks doc

doctor: your welcome ms McBride

Trace: so do you wanna go back to my house and help Nash move in and then go back to your house and get your stuff or just go to Tims house

Martina: help Nash then go to Tims house also I need to pack its not that much I just have clothes and bathroom stuff

Trace: OK

Tim's POV:

after we got Nash's things in the SUV we all went to Dairy Queen and got blizzards I paid for the blizzards and we continued to make our way to Trace's house we needed 10 more minutes so we continued we arrived and Martina and Trace were already there

Tim: alright let's help Nash with his things

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