Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Sloane got her acceptance letter and cheer scholarship with University of TN. She drove over to her boyfriend's house and said 'Hey Buck look what I got in the mail today."

"Oh that's great baby but um I think I'm going to stay in GA darlin and accept my UGA football scholarship." he said

Tears started to fall and said "But Bucky we talked about going to college together the whole 3 years we have been together." 

"I know baby but I really don't want to go to TN I know you do cause that's where most of your family is but baby my family is here." he said

She said "Fine do what you want Buck.." as she wiped tears

"Baby.. " he said

"Don't baby me. I think it's best that we break up right now." she said as she walked off.

Bucky wiped tears and ran after her and he said "Baby doll no that's not what I said I wanted."

"I'll be in TN and once I graduate I don't plan coming back to GA Bucky so it's for the best." she said as she got in her car.

"Sloane baby please don't do this. I love you I promised you that we would get married one day come on baby." he said

She took off her ring and said "You also promised that we would go to college together. I didn't get accepted into UGA Bucky I didn't even get offered a cheer scholarship so maybe we aren't meant to be together." and she drove off. 

He dropped to his knees and cried his mom came out and held him. The guys came over and tried to comfort him but he wasn't having any of that. He wanted Sloane back he felt awful for breaking his promise but his place was in GA. 

The girls were over at Sloane's talking to her about everything and that made the rest of their senior year difficult. At the end of the summer Sloane packed up her jeep and hugged the girls goodbye and headed to TN for college and the rest of her life. 

Bucky left for UGA a few days after she left with the guys and the girls. By the time their sophomore year started Sloane met her future husband and she fell hard and fast for Josh Carter and he fell hard for her too. Bucky met his future wife during his sophomore year as well she a sassy blonde hair blue eyed named "Quinn Baxter." 

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