Chapter Ten

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26th April 2023. 

Oliver and Kara are looking for torches in the Armory.

Oliver: Kara.

Kara: Oliver, I know what you're going to say.

Kara: This is my chance to prove myself. To finally be your hero.

Oliver: You already are my hero.

Kara: Oliver.

Oliver: You remember the stuff with Georgina, the stuff in England, when I lost Kate. You were there, you were my hero and you have been all along.

Oliver: I can't let you do this.

Kara: I'm not going to fight you.

Oliver: Kara, there has to be another way. We don't trade lives.

Kara: Did you just quote Captain America?

Oliver: Seriously Kara, please. Let's go back to the group and talk about it.

Kara kisses Oliver.

Kara: If I don't stay, who does?

Oliver: We'll figure it out. You can't die.

Kara: And neither can you.

Oliver: We could get out of here, me and you. Find a nice home, like before Arcadia.

Kara: Oliver.

Oliver: Don't you want that?

Kara: I want nothing more, trust me but we can't.

Kara: Look, Oliver. I love you but I have to do this.

Oliver: Why? Why are you so persistent? Do you want to die? Want to leave me?

Kara: Don't you dare.

Oliver: I just don't understand.

Kara: I can't let you or anybody else die. I'm being the change to save you and the others, I have to take that chance.

Kara: I promise you, I'll run as fast as I can. I would love to survive and spend the rest of my days with you but I don't know how long that door will stay open for.

Kara: If worse comes to worst, I want you to know I'm really going to miss you.

Oliver: I'm going to miss you too.

Kara: Now have you found those torches?

Oliver: Only one. You?

Kara: I got two.

Oliver: Perfect, let's regroup.

Oliver and Kara head back to the room, they are all extremely tired and sad.

Oliver: We found three torches, that's it.

Mitchell: It's better than nothing. I found a Walker, for the blood. 

Oliver: Okay, good. Thank you. 

Clementine: Better than nothing, Kara are you okay?

Kara: Yeah, I'm okay. Just, well you know.

Violet: Must be weird, to know you're going to die.

Kara: Well I might not die, I might be fast enough to make it out in time.

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