Big happy expanding family

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Nancy never imagined having a stepmother.
Nancy thought it impossible hearing that the Drew's housekeeper and her father were to be wed, but there she was walking down the church aisle as Hannah's bride's maid and seeing Ned, her husband, at the front as her dad's best man. The eighteen year old found she was happy for her
dad, that he was marrying again. Hannah was already part of the family but now she would legally be Nancy's stepmother.

The second shock came two years later. Nancy had recently given birth to her and Ned's first child, Imelda Louise Drew-Nickerson. Becoming a mother did not put Nancy's love for sleuthing on hold. She continued to work as a detective. One evening when Nancy had a break, the couple took baby Imelda to visit Nancy's parents for supper. At the table Hannah and Carson revealed their surprising revelation, Hannah was going to have a baby. The twenty year old sleuth was amazed that at her age she was going to welcome a little (half) sibling into the world. Hannah hadn't expected to ever mother a child other than Nancy.
Nancy was happy for her father and stepmother but quite worried at the same time. With Hannah's permission, Nancy told her close friends, George, Bess, and Helen of her new impending status of being a sister.

The young family didn't get a chance to talk face to face with the expectant couple for several months afterwards, a case kept Nancy in France and she had flown her daughter and husband over to be with her. Nancy made sure, however, to keep in touch with Hannah and her dad through letters and rare phone calls. By the time Hannah and Carson saw their granddaughter again, she was smiling and sitting up almost unassisted.
One beautiful morning Nancy got the call from her dad that Hannah had gone into the hospital to have the baby last night. Nancy nearly fainted when her father announced that there were two of them. They had arrived in the early morning hours that day. The young couple waited anxiously for a couple of days to go visit Hannah and the babies, Nancy's new siblings.
Nancy found herself shedding a few tears as she held one of her siblings for the first time, now named Walter Thomas Gruen "Wally" Drew. She was so happy that the babies were here. Ned gently caressed the cheeks of the other baby, Nancy's sister, Rochelle Elizabeth Hannah "Rocky" Drew.
After a little time together, just as a family, with Hannah's permission, Nancy invited over George and Bess to meet her new siblings (and of course to see little Imelda). Nancy felt that five visitors was enough commotion for the new parents, and recovering Hannah. She would invite Helen over the next day.

Hannah Gruen Drew, a Nancy Drew baby fanfic (one shot)Where stories live. Discover now