Chapter 8

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Caspar's P.O.V.

It was getting late & Zoe hasn't came back yet, probably having an amazing time with Alfie, I thought to myself.

I then turned off the TV & headed upstairs then got into bed when my phone rang. It was Zoe.

"Uhh Hello?" I said tiredly as I answered the phone.

"Hello? Caspar?!?" Zoe said desperately.

"Hey are you okay?!" I asked in concern.

"Uhm, somethings happened, uhm... c-can you pick me up? I'm near the skate park." Zoe said out of breath.

Zoe seemed like she was extremely emotional & had other things on her mind so I didn't ask her what was wrong yet.

"Yeah of course! Be there in 10." I said. "Thanks Caspar." she choked out as she hung up.

I quickly put on my shoes & ran downstairs to my car, not caring that I was wearing my South Park pj's & drove.

I finally got to the skate park && got out of my car with my phone texting Zoe "I'm here."

She didn't reply, so I began walking around the skate park when I saw someone huddled up in a corner under the tree.

As I slowly walked over I heard someone's cries, it was Zoe.

I finally was standing in font of Zoe who was sitting down next to the tree, hugging her knees with her head down, sobbing, not noticing me standing in front of her.

What could've happened that was so bad, Zoe was now crying her eyes out I thought to myself.

I then sat next to her & softly said "Hey zoe zoe." As I put my arm around her shoulders.

She then looked up at me with watery eyes & now revealing her knees that were with blood.

No words came out of her mouth she just starred at me until she finally let out another cry & immediately wrapped her arms around me, practicly dragging me over to her, digging her head into my neck.

Her fresh tears landed onto my neck & ran down my chest leaving a trail of goosebumps because of the weather.

I then tightly wrapped my arms around her & stoked her hair. "It's okay, it's okay." I whispered as I felt her whimpering.

"I'm s-sorry Casper, I'm so sorry." Zoe stuttered as she sniffed.

"What? Why are you sorry?" I asked as she finally let go as we were now face to face.

Zoe sniffed & then looked into my eyes. "You were right, about... Alfie." Zoe said disappointed, now starring at the floor.

"oh my gosh, what the fuck did that little shit do to you?" I asked concerned.

Zoe sniffled && began...

"Well, we were drinking then got kicked out..." Zoe said with a small smile that quickly faded away.

"& He just snapped & went insane & told me to get out of his car in the middle of the freeway." Zoe choked out with tears rolling down her checks.

"oh my fucking... I'm gonna beat the shit out of him, well are you okay? & What happened to your knees?"

I asked in concern.

"Well, when I opened the door on the freeway he pushed me & I scrapped my knees on the concrete." said Zoe, her voice now trembling.

"He's gonna pay for what he's done." I muttered under my breath.

Zoe was starring at the ground ashamed && shivered at the passing wind.

I quickly took off my night robe && wrapped it around her.

She then looked up at me with her golden brown eyes with mascara running down her checks & her fuzzy hair.


"Yeah Caspar?"

"You're beautiful." I softly said as I put my arm around her.

Zoe then chuckled for a moment

"I look like crap!" she said smiling.

"That's good crap." I said as we both started laughing at my horrible joke.

Zoe then yawned.

"Sleepy?" I asked shaking her a bit.

"Heh, no." Zoe said smiling with heavy eyes.

"I mean it's 3 am, it's okay if you want to sleep afterall, you've had a rough night." I said, persuading her.

"Hmmm, alright. But what about you?" said Zoe concerned with raised eyebrows.

"Aha, don't worry about me. Just sleep." I said smiling, starring into her perfect brown eyes.

"Fine." Zoe said softly, moving closer to me wrapping one of her arms around my stomach, pulling the robe with her, which now covered half my body. Then laid her head on my chest.

She then cuddled onto my chest & whispered "Goodnight Caspar."


I thought that was kawaii

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