Lord of the Flies

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: as only Jack's last name was ever revealed, I have made up the characters last names in this story! I actually got some of their last names from a different story on FanFic that I really enjoyed.
ALSO— for plot purposes, I have chosen an alternative ending to the book for Simon; he actually lived, almost died. That's about the only thing I've changed and I have added some extra characters. Enjoy!

Ralph stretched out his tense muscles as he sat up. The morning was brighter than the usual September morning and the air was clear and breezy. Ralph could tell already that the weather would be nice that day which was influential in his getting out of his bed. Making his way downstairs, he said a lazy good morning to his mother before grabbing an apple for breakfast and heading out the door for school. He turned back inside before realizing that he wasn't even dressed yet. Boy, he was tired and he didn't even know why. He was sure he got a decent sleep, but maybe this was just him becoming a typical, effortless high schooler. Today would be Ralph Cunningham's first day at his new school. It wasn't a typical high school, it was a private school. His parents had been urging him to get his grades up so he could go to a private school like his sister, Lily, had been for years now. But Ralph just wasn't overly bright in school, his brain didn't usually do much for him. Not with the ADHD, no, that didn't help. However, after being stranded on the island and returning home, Ralph wrote an essay on his experience for his English paper and from there, his marks fluctuated higher and he just happened to make the cut.

"Lets go, Ralph. We're gonna be late."

The familiar voice of Lily Cunningham called, she tossed her books in her bright yellow bag and slipped on some flats. Lily was just a bit taller than Ralph, and her hair, just a bit less fair than his. They were twins, and Ralph did happen to be older than Lily by eighteen minutes, but Lily somehow managed to hold an inch of height on him. It didn't bother him too much, but it was slightly emasculating.


He hurriedly tied his sneakers and chased after his sister. At least it was both of there first days of high school. At least Ralph wasn't in it alone.

"You sure you're ready for this?" Lily bargained.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" Ralph answered, slightly offended but more concerned. Was there something that he shouldn't be ready for?

"It's high school, Ralph. We can't play around anymore. No more recess, no more games. It's just a heavy workload. Especially at this kind of school. Are you sure you're gonna get by?"

"Are you saying I'm not smart enough to go here?"

"Not at all. You know I don't mean it like that. I mean all these kids are crazy smart. And well, you're average. And in this kind of environment, so am I. And you know there'll be bigger kids, right?"

Ralph gulped. What a perfect way to start his first day of freshman year. In hesitant fear.

"I-I can handle it. We can."

Ralph took a deep breath, glanced at Lily who seemed somewhat confident as they walked up to their new school. This was it; St. Calium Catholic Secondary School. Ralph hadn't seen a School much like this one before. There were glass windows that were fifty feet high and rows of them. It sure did look like a prep school. The school uniforms made Ralph slightly self-conscious.

They made their way up the flight of steps upon entering the school. They found a list with the names of all the freshman, and where they would go for homeroom.

"Looks like I'm stuck with you." Lily smirked sarcastically after seeing both their names on the same attendance list.

Thank God. As much as Ralph knew Lily wanted to part ways, and as much as Ralph didn't want to spend the day stuck by her side either, he was thankful he wouldn't be walking his first day alone. And he'd at least have Lily to get lost with.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2018 ⏰

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