Chapter 1

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"Alright Evenessence," I coo to my 2 year old son as I finish dressing him for our day. "You are all ready and now it's papa's turn."

Gently picking my son from his changing table, I carry him with his chest against mine as I leave his room to enter mine. Sitting him on his bottom in the middle of the circle of thick pillows on the floor with some toys so I can dress myself while making sure he's fine.

Now you might be wondering why I seem overly protective with my son. There is a simple answer to this question; my son Evenessence has CP better known as Cerebral Palsy. His CP condition is mild compared to others with this condition. He has epilepsy, a mild case of deafness, sometimes has involuntary movements, his walking is unsteady and he has asthma due to lung issues. His CP developed in the womb due to his mother having a bad case of chicken pox during her sixth month of pregnancy, now please do not take this as that I am blaming his mother becasuse I most certianly am not. She hadn't been told that she never had chicken pox, she she wasn't aware that she should have the vacination.

Evenessence's mother, Emily isn't in our lives and hasn't been since the day our son was born. Once he was born she signed all of her rights off to him to me and once she was released from the hospital where I was still with our son, went to our shared apartment and packed her belongings. I was totally clueless that she wasn't planning on being in our lives or most importantly our son's. When she left us at the the hospital after she signed her rights off, she looked at me and simply stated, 'I cannot raise a child with a physical disablity, I did not sign on for that. I want a normal child.'

Let me just say that after her hatefull words that if she hadn't left us, I would have left her alone and taken Evenessence and fought for her to not have anything to do with him. He's going to face challenges in his life, like everyone else but he doesn't need that kind of negativity in his life. It was no one's fault but espeically his, for his condition.

So, moving off that rant, let me continue, Evenessence is a wonderfully happy and beautiful child to be around. He has my natural dark blond hair, bright blue eyes just like myself and he has the cubbiest cheeks for a 2 year old. He is my light, my ray of sunshine in this world. His condition might worsen the older he becomes but we will cross that bridge when we arrive to them.

Now, as for me I am Every Stone; yes my parents had a funny sense of humor when they named me. I like my name so I don't care what others think or say when they find out my name or my son's. I am 21 year old bisexual man and am fortunate enough to work from home so I can devote my time and attention to my son. I also recieve state help some since I am raising and caring for my son who has a physical condition. I have blue eyes and natural dark blond hair but I dye it dark brown with my natrual color in streaks.

Now, on with our day, Evenessence and I are heading out in about a half an hour for a doctor's appointment for him since he has another regular checkup for his CP. Walking out of my closet with all of my clothes; a black and gray stripped long sleeve, a black pair of skinny jeans, black and gray stripped fluffy socks, my black Converse. Sitting my clothes on the bed, my attention focused on Evenessence as I dress.

Evenessence plays with his plastic toy cars as he sucks hard on his pacififer, a sign he is sleepy since he's already has his breakfast of oatmeal and juice. He'll fall asleep during the forty-five minute car ride to his doctor's office and will probably finish his nap on the way home. Now finished, I walk over to my son making sure not only does he see me but hears me as well so I don't startle him, I bend down picking him up along with his toy truck that he has claspsed tightly in his hands.

Carring him on my hip we make our way out of my room and downstairs to the front door where our coats, shoes and his bag are located. Placing his coat on him one handed before slipping mine on and then our shoes, I grab his bag, slinging it over my shoulder before grabbing my car keys and wallet from the stand near the door. Walking out of the house, I lock the door behind us before placing him in his car seat, strapping him in securily before settling myself in the driver's seat and place his bag on the passenger seat of my Jeep before starting the car and pulling out of the drive.

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