Chapter 1

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Erza P.O.V

I woke up, my eyes fluttering to the dark, stone walls of my room. I was used to this, seeing nothing but these dreary walls for 19 years. I've been trapped here, trained to become the perfect queen for the Kingdom of Scarlet once I was married. My only companions were my tutors, servants, and my personal maid, Lucy.

It was a lonely life.

The door creaked open and my eyes darted towards the sound. Blonde hair appeared and I breathed a sigh of relief; it was just Lucy after all.

"Please get out of your bed, Princess Erza."
"Lucy, I told you not to call me that, Erza is just fine," I replied, rolling into my soft, velvety blankets.
"Please, Erza! You'll be late for your lessons and you still haven't eaten breakfast yet."
"Fine, fine."
I sat up, and got off the bed. Walking into my closet, I eyed a peach gown hanging from one of the hangers, "Lucy, I would like to wear that please."
Lucy nodded as she took the dress and gently placed it on my bed.

She quickly dressed me and led me downstairs to the dining hall where I would join my father for breakfast.
"Good Morning, Erza.", the king greeted, as I walked into the room.
"Good Morning, Father." I replied, doing a curtsy and bowing my head. He nodded and turned his attention to the pile of papers placed neatly to the side of his plate. Lucy helped me into my seat and stepped out of the room as one of our many servants placed my food in front of me--an omelette cooked perfectly, with berries on the side.

My father and I ate silently. The forks and knives clinked against the elegant china. I still remember the times when my mother used to sit across from me, her smiled lighting up the whole room. She was the soul of our kingdom and most importantly, she was the only person who could make the King smile.
Until, one night, she left us.
Once father found out about her disappearance the next day, he sent out his soldiers to look and see where she went, but they found no trace of her... For months, my father never gave up. He kept searching and hoping for a miracle, but when the anniversary of her missing passed, his hope dispersed and the kingdom was cast into troubled times. Many of the villages wondered where their precious queen was and bombarded the king with many questions. He became more restless and told them that my mother was attacked and killed by thieves out in the forest.
It's been 10 years, and yet, the king has never smiled since that day. A frown was cast upon his face all the time. Though the kingdom flourished and made great relations with the countries around Shallot, our family was never as happy as we were before.

I was snapped out of my trance when I hear my father's gruff voice echo throughout the room, "Erza, are you listening to me?"
"Huh?", I asked absentmindedly.
He sighed, "I said, that I've found the perfect man for you to marry."
My eyes widened after I realized what he just said. I turned to look at him, "What? Who?"
I was sick and tired of the suitors who came by our castle every week. Since the time my father announced that I was of marrying age, I've received love letters, poems, serenades, and even cheese baskets from princes of surrounding kingdoms. Every single suitor that knocked on my door or threw rocks at my window, -- which has been broken many, many times-- I rejected. First of all, they were too snobby for my taste, and second, breaking someone's window doesn't really make a very good first impression.

"The kingdom of Fullbuster, Prince Gray", the King answered back quite smugly. "He's the perfect man to be your husband. And more importantly, the perfect man to become the future king."
Oh god no. That was the first guy who threw a rock at my window and tried to climb in while I was sleeping to--what was his explanation again-- oh yeah, to give me a goodnight's kiss. What is wrong with him? You don't just throw rocks at people's windows. Do that, and next thing you'll know, you'll be thrown into a moat.

It's ok, because I did throw him into the moat.

I was shocked by my father's response. Why would he want me to marry a creepy guy such as Prince Gray of Fullbuster? I mean, what kind of name is Gray? Did his parents actually name him after a dull color? Still, despite his creepiness, the guy was also full of himself.

"Father! I've told you before! I want to a marry a man that I love, not some stuck-up guy like Gray!"
I really should keep my mouth shut during times like these. Once I saw the king's face, I regretted my answer.
"Erza! You will obey my wishes! And you WILL marry Prince Gray, whether you like it or not!"
He stood up and stormed out of the room, leaving me speechless.

I listened for the sound of his footsteps to fade. Once I was sure they were gone, the tears welling up in my eyes betrayed me and fell. I sobbed quietly, dreading the life that was intended for me. I hear Lucy enter the dining room cautiously and walk towards me. She rested her hands on my shoulders and started stroking my hair. But, I kept crying, despite the comforting acts of my only friend.
"It's gonna be ok, Erza.", Lucy whispered. "It's going to be ok."
Wiping my tears away, I realized a sad truth. The reason mom left us was because she was never happy here. Her smiles were fake and her laughs were forced. She felt imprisoned in these walls.

I sat there, complicated thoughts circling my head. After I while, I made up my mind on something I was unsure of. I was going to escape.

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