His Opening, Your Opportunity

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"Fortune favors the bold" seems to be your new motto whenever a certain attractive NEET's concerned...


Urushihara scratched the back of his leg with his foot as he stood in front of your room. He really doubted that you were awake at the moment, seeing just how devoid of energy you were when you came home earlier...but then he saw that the lights inside were on and he could hear faint mumbling that sounded like somebody was talking into a headset microphone.

"Is she really even a human?" he asked himself as he pressed the doorbell. "Hello~? Anybody home?"

No response.

He rang twice. Urushihara called your name once more, dragging the sound of your surname on. "If you don't answer, I'm just gonna go back-"


You opened the door slowly and was met with the wide-eyed expression of the purple head at your appearance. Dark circles surrounded your eyes, which were framed behind a pair of your usual computer glasses. Your hair was slightly disheveled; they were still in your usual work hairdo, except for quite a few loose tendrils framing your face. You only slept for two hours after you came home, so you were still wearing the shirt you wore to the office. Your most comfortable shorts replaced your pair of twice-worn faded denim jeans. Hanging on your neck was your trusty favorite wireless headset, which was currently emitting some sort of conversation.

"Whoa," he gaped and gave you a once-over. "You look like shit."

You rolled your eyes. "Very funny, Urushihara-kun. What brings you here?" you asked with a raised eyebrow.

He showed you the plate in his hands. "This. Ashiya made matcha pancakes earlier, so Maou asked me to give you some." He tried to thrust the dish into your hands, but you held up a hand to stop him. You put the right earcup next to your ear and listened to the conversation, your eyes darting between the room and your surprise visitor.

"No Onuki-san, that defect doesn't qualify since it wasn't stated in the requirements in the first place," you spoke. You opened the door wider and motioned for Urushihara to come in with your free hand, mouthed a "make yourself at home" and cleared a few empty cans of coffee from your dining table. "We can tag that as an enhancement for future releases...yes, but...if we try to include that now, we won't make it in time..."

You covered the mic with your finger. "Team meeting. Sorry for the mess. Just put that wherever there's space. I'll be done shortly."

All the fallen angel could do was blink and complied silently. While you were busy, he took the opportunity to observe your living space. Empty coffee cans inside plastic bags littered the foot of the kitchen counter, with the occasional instant ramen and chopsticks sticking out from the holes. On top of what used to be the dining table in the center of the room was your work laptop on top of a laptop stand, a wireless backlit keyboard slightly covered with crumbs of potato chips, a wireless ergonomic mouse, and a 23-inch Samsong external monitor hooked up to your laptop via an HDMI cable. What remained of the table's free space was occupied with work notes, printouts, and half-finished bags of potato chips.

"And I thought my space was messy," he mumbled. He peeked at the monitor screens out of curiosity and was amazed at all the opened applications. There was a database management software displaying some sort of table, a programming software running on debug mode, and a Moogle browser with the developer tools enabled. On the upper right of the external monitor was your minimized, ongoing Skyphone conference.

"Whoa..." he gaped and sat down cross-legged in front of your machine. You were almost done with your meeting, nodding once in a while to whatever was said on the other line. An affirmative reply later, the call ended and you slipped the already-warm headset off your ears.

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