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First Name: Nathaniel

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First Name: Nathaniel

Middle Name: Alianovna 

Last Name: Romanoff

Known Alias(es): Nathan Romanoff,  Black Widow, Widow

Title(s): Agent of SHIELD (formerly)

Nickname: Nat, Batty Natty, Nate

Gender: Transsexual Male

Age: 25-34 (Varies)

Species: Human

Sexual Orientation: Panromantic Bisexual, will partake in polyamorous relationships 

Affiliation/Ties: Red Room (formerly), KGB (formerly), S.H.E.I.L.D. (formerly), S.H.E.I.L.D. STRIKE (formerly)



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Like(s): Thrill, When people try too hard (it's amusing to him), A good challenge, Success

Dislike(s): Sterotypes, Sexism, Perverts, Unnecessary Arguments

Hobbies: Spending time with his friends, fending off evil threats, making people blush and practicing his accents

Strength(s): Marksman, Weapons Specialist, Gymanstics, Acrobats , Martial Arts, Manipulating Others, Forming Plans

Weakness(es): Dealing with hyperactive people, Sticking to one hair color, Supressing his anger

Special Powers/Abilities: Artificially Enhanced Physiology, Peak Human Strength, Peak Human Speed, Peak Human Agility, Peak Human Reflexes, Peak Human Durability, Peak Human Senses, Peak Human Immune System and Extended Longevity

Weapon(s): Arsenal of high-tech weaponry, including a pair of wrist-mounted energy weapons dubbed his "Widow's Bite".


- In Japan, he has done modeling for an LGBTQ+ company.

- His first top surgery gone awry and he lost a lot a blood. Thanks to Nick Fury, he was able to get a new one done correctly.

- He hates the thought of being lazy and often overworks himself.

- Due to how tight his suit is, he doesn't wear underwear.

- Even as a civilian, he wears armored gloves.

- He has adopted a cat named Liho that hung around his apartment in Japan.

- He can hack into all computer systems without tripping any firewalls or security with ease.

- He's also capable of lifting up to 500 pounds, but it's stated that the Punisher is stronger than him.

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