The Inazuma Break Trio's Top Ten Pick-up Lines

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Endou's Pick-up Lines

When asked, Endou said: (thinking hard and scratching his head with a deep frown) ...Yeah, sure. I'll think of something...just don't be mad at me if you don't like them!

1. To me, you're of equal value of soccer. Priceless. (Unless I'm asked to decide between you and soccer. You know which one I'll choose, right? Sokka yarouze!)

2. As a goalkeeper, I'll protect the seducing shots of my rivals from getting into the goal that is your heart.

3. My love for you is the same as Fist of Justice, ultimate and forever evolving.

4. If you're a soccer ball, then I'm the happiest soccer gloves in the whole world.

5. Let's stand in front of a goalpost and decorate it with white cloth and flowers, then it'll be the perfect wedding arch for us! (Let's have the referee to be the officiate!)

6. If I want to touch you, I'll have to wear my goalkeeper gloves, cause touching you burns me all over.

7. I swear on my grandfather's non-existent grave that I've been seeing your face whenever I look at soccer balls. Believe me!

8. Even if an old and evil witch turns you into a soccer ball and hides you among a pile of real soccer balls, I'll know which is you when I start touching.

9. Remember the time when I play as Libero? I did that to impress you.

10. When I play soccer, I think of you.

Kidou's Pick-up Lines

When asked, Kidou said: W-What? Pick-up lines? I have no need for such ridiculous things! But...(Sighed) I have no other option, do I?

1. I'm hailed as the best soccer strategist, but why can't I come up with a strategy to not fall in love with you?

2. My goggles glimmers the most when I lay my eyes on you.

3. Should you feel cold, I have a cape to wrap you up nice and warm. (Like a fresh burrito out of the oven)

4. Will you be the mother of my lot of Emperor Penguin children?

5. Forget the manipulating old fart Kageyama and my precious little sisterHaruna, you're the only one who conquers my heart!

6. Have you seen my goggles? I may have left them at your place last night.

7. Ever wonder why my cape is red? Cause it's as red as the intensity of my love for you.

8. Aside from watching ball rotation, I also use my goggles to see your rotation.

9. I can't show my sexy eyes to you because if I do, you'll fall, hard in love with me.

10. Somewhere in my braided hair is a single red rose for you. Can you find it?

Goenji's Pick-up Lines

When asked, Goenji said: Why do you even bother to ask me? Romance is not my forte! Alright, I'll come up with those pick up lines already! Stop following me!

1. Allow me to Fire Tornado my way into your heart.

2. The flame that ignites my will to live...could it be you?

3. Even the sea of raging fire will I face head-on to pull you into the safety of my arms.

4. You must be an Earth element soccer player, cause I find myself losing to you over and over again.

5. Thank goodness you're not ice, for I'm sure you would have melted at the very sight of me.

6. Get me a fire extinguisher, for I'm set ablaze whenever I see you paying attention to other guys.

7. Winning you over is infinity times better than winning Ballon d'Or.

8. You're not an old flame, you're my eternal flame.

9. Your rejection to me is the same as receiving a red card, it hurts and shatters my heart.

10. I'll be sure to shoot as many as I can into your goal on our next 'one-on-one match'.

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