Reasons I stan

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If you want reasons as to why each of these queens are queens then keep reading. With all the hate they're getting they deserve some love and respect.


I read what Serina and others have said about you and I have to say I'm so sorry you had to go through that. To read such horrible jokes and insults made me cry. You are a queen and you are so kind and caring and I hope you are ok. You didn't deserve any of that and you definitely didn't deserve to be told to die.

You are a strong and beautiful queen and so pure and wholesome. I love you.


You are so pure and sweet. You didn't deserve what happened to you either and I'm so sorry about what they did say and do. What you wrote in your spam book really opened a lot of people's eyes and I'm proud of you for doing that.

Take no notice of what they say because you're a beautiful queen.


I read what happened when it happened on your story and I'm so sorry what all of it. I hope your friend is ok. Everything you said was the truth and you're inspirational and mature. You are a strong queen but I hope you're ok too.

Don't take any notice of anymore of the drama because you are beautiful and we know what really happened.


I just want to start out by saying I'm so sorry for everything that has happened to you. You are brave and strong and so kind to everyone. You speak the truth all the time when no one else will and I admire you for that.

You didn't deserve to go through what you did on this app and I hope it all settles. You are beautiful queen and I love you.


I read your spam book and I agree with everything you said. Once again I am so sorry about everything that happened to you too. You are so supportive and kind and never once said anything bad.

You are a beautiful queen and I hope everything stops now and that the toxic people stop being toxic.


Although I don't know if you were involved with any of this drama I just want to say I stan you because you supported everyone through everything. You are so pure and wholesome and we need more people like you on Wattpad.

You are also a beautiful queen and I love you.


I'm so sorry for everything that has happened to you. You have always stuck by your friends and always defended yourself and others when it needed to happen. You are a true queen and I hope everything is ok.

Remember you are a beautiful queen and deserve so much love and respect in this community.

To finish this off I want to say that these queens deserve nothing but love and support and respect form now on so if you see anyone attacking these queens wrongfully please stick by them.

All of these queens stuck by each other through everything and have defended each other throughout.

I hope people realise how much of an inspiration these girls and guys are. I also hope that the people hating them and attacking them realise how much of a mistake they are making because all of these queens are pure, wholesome, beautiful and strong.

I recently read that they were called hypocrites which is not true at all and I wish people would open their eyes to see that they are supporting toxic people. If you didn't know toxic people manipulate situations and people into believing their view is the only correct view and that's what these people have done towards these queens. These queens never once said you should unfollow anyone, whilst someone spreading hatred told her followers to unfollow one of these queens. These queens have never once said you should believe them over the other people, they were simply defending themselves and trying to warn others on Wattpad over what these people have said and done to them. If that's hypocritical then I guess they don't really know what the word means.

Please just spread positivity and stop hating on others. Hating on someone will get you no where in life. Please be mature and sort it out if you've had an argument or if you've said something that you know is wrong or hurtful. Don't spread hate speech.

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