Chapter 3: Keep your friends close and your enemies closer

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Chapter 3- Keep your friends Close and your Enemies Closer



An hour before the purging starts. My blood is pumping with adrenaline. I don't if I should be nervous or just have a killing spree. I focus my mind and energy and relax. I may be too tense that's why or maybe to excited. I just actually have no idea what to feel.

"Please do minimize killing kiddos" says Ma'am Leo in a sweet tone. She doesn't seem worried maybe no one is going to kill her or threaten her because well... she's one of the sweetest and nicest teacher so I don't expect someone to attack her unless the one attacking is cold blooded.

Ma'am Leo sits in the teacher's table and continues checking our paper. She glances from time to time. From the clock to us and back to the papers .we were currently doing are SRA which I usually don't because it's BORING but sometimes I have to because its added to my grade. But today I don' t think anyone is doing it. But more of chatting.

I could feel the blood rush going to my brain making me feel hyper and the feels of blood craving. 5 minutes till purging and I feel a smile creeping through my face. It was a great timing as well because the first one I was going to assassinate went to me. I hated her so much that I was waiting for this day

"uy..keeshan I have to share to you about something. because this person sucks and he owns me money K.share ." She says Laughing which made me put up a false smile

"Lol. K share." I say with a fake laugh. That's when I had a crazy idea.

"Come here I have to whisper you" I say preparing to unsheathe my blade.

She comes near to me and leans to my side. She crouches down because I was sitting moving her ear to the level of my mouth. I give a small glance to the clock and was happy because it was 5 seconds to bell which was 11:00am.

5...4....3...2...1.....*bell Rings+ siren*

"happy purging everybody" the speaker states

I look back at her who was still waiting for me to speak

"See you on the flip side" I whisper and thrust the hidden blade to her waist causing blood to splatter out. she collapses on the ground and starts crying in pain. Everyone starts staring at me with confused looks.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME? " she screams holding her wound to keep it from bleeding sadly it didn't.

For a few seconds everyone stood still wondering what to do. That's when Justin runs to (girl), jumps behind and slits her throat. Causing blood to splatter all over his uniform. She was unable to speak and died in a matter of seconds. And this is where the war begins.

Ends at 11:10am

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