i. [prologue.]

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    SHE WAS THERE at the Huntsman and Deer. It was pub where fake IDs would shine. But for the early and mid-twenties it was heaven. Alcohol, foosball, pool and darts were all there. What was not to like?

Amelia approached the bar and sat on stool. She let out a sigh and ordered her usual. The bartender immediately knew what she was talking about and presented a scotch on the rocks to her.

She took a massive sip and placed the glass back on bar. "Looks like you come here often.", she heard a remark from beside her. She turned her head and saw a man.

A man in his mid-twenties, mildly fair complexion and dark brown hair. But what made him more attractive were his eyes. They were a light shade of blue. They looked like the ocean with a mysterious hint of mist clouding over them.

They were... mysterious. They looked like they carried many secrets. And the deep smoulder of his eyes just added to the mystery.

"Oh? And what makes you think that?", she asked him.

"Just a vibe.", the smile on his face... intrigued her. His smile was big, with a hidden smirk. It reminded her of someone. But it was attractive this time.

"So it had nothing to do with the bartender knowing about my usual order.", said she.

His face scrunched up slightly as he said, "Might have had a little help with that." Concurrently, chuckles escaped them.

The song on the stereos changed. The mellow melody diffused out of the stereos and flowed into their ears.

"I love this song." She moaned. "Rihanna," He said, "Stay featuring Mikky Ekko." He said as she turned to face him in the now almost empty pub. "Hmm..." Amelia hummed in response.


"Nothing", she said, "just thinking".

They looked at each other. They gazed into each other's eyes as chatted with each other.


Short. Really short. Sorry about that. I will have a longer chapter but the problem is that I will be having exams throughout the month of November. They end on first December.
I will put out the chapter with a whole new book. It's gonna be a book based on the show 'Flash'. Right now I need to focus on exams. Until next time!!☺️

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