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Dear journal,
I am totally confused. I don't remember anything but here I am in this world going into the eight grade, I didn't even know that I'm 13. Something feels strange but let's just go with it. My mom and dad said that I was sick and lost a pretty good amount of my memories but they will come back. Hopefully. It's 5:17 in the morning and I am wide awake, the doctors say I have something called insomnia. Means I can't sleep, even if I wanted to. Anyway I have to go, school starts soon and I have to take a shower and get ready.
Love, Lilly

I close my journal, lay back and stare at the ceiling in silence, that's until my alarm went off. I sat up and stretched as the alarm continued to scream 'WAKE UP' over and over again. I hit the power button and climbed out of my bed, a knock was heard at the door while I was making my way to the bathroom to do my daily routine that I remember having, but never doing.
"You okay in there?"
"Yes mom, I just got out of bed." I said continuing to the bathroom.
"Okay just making sure." She said before heavy footsteps quiet down into nothing as she walks away.
After I get dressed in my uniform, I make my way downstairs into the living room and continue till I reach the kitchen. I grab my lunch I don't remember making and put it into the pink backpack that I apparently own, then I slip on my shoes and head out the door without saying goodbye to my parents, eager to make it to my new school.
"Hey watch were your going!" A stranger yelled at me as we both tumbled to the ground.
"I am SO sorry, please forgive me!" I started pleading like it was the end of the world.
"Yeah you are sorry, now my uniform is wrinkled!" The boy yelled at me.
Let's face it, he was pretty. He had blue eyes and black shiny hair. He is tall too, he is on the skinny side, but his cheeks look so squishy. Even if he dose look like an angle or a demon, because demons are hotter then angles, his asshat personality ruins his looks.
"Well I'm sorry for pushing you down, but you are acting like an asshat so I don't feel as bad now, anyways I have to go." I got up and dusted my skirt off.
"And you might want to wipe that stupid look off your face because judging by that attitude, your supposed to be...popular right?" I said turning around to face him. I gave him a little smirk before flipping my hair over my shoulder and walking away.
Thanks for coming and reading my story. Have a nice day and make sure to stay healthy and happy! — love author

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