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[ warning not edited]

Dear journal,
    Today was complete shart. That guy I bumped into, what's his name again? Oh well, any way, he is now dedicated to making my life a living H-E-double hockey sticks. That guy got switched to my class half way through first period. Now he is my table mate, it's not only the fact that he is annoying me out of my mind, but his stupid friends and fan club are teasing me and getting on my nerves too!
     "UUGGHH!!" I yelled out loud and in frustration with a huff. I looked down because I heard a snap and realized I broke my pencil.
    "UUGGHH MY FRACKING PENCIL BROKE!" This time I screamed earning a loud shout from my mom.
   "Lilly knock it off and stop cursing!"
   "I'm not even cursing, I'm too allergic for that!" I yell back to her.
    I threw the broken pencil and stormed out of the room.
    "What is going on?" Was the first thing I heard when I stopped my feet like a baby out and to the living room.
    "I broke my ferdaggle doodle pencil." I whined to her still frustrated.
    "But that's the second pencil you've broken this week." My mom had a serious expression meaning there was going to be a long arse rant ahead of me.
   After what felt like hours of trying to tune out my mom, also having to put up with the 'are you still listening to me?' I went and got my buttocks out of the house before she could start nagging me about something else like the way I wear my hair, or the way I dress myself.

As I was walking down the street I come across a wondering puppy, it was small and fluffy with big floppy ears and fur that was muddy and crusty like it had been outside for a couple of days.

"oh my, let me take you home and clean you up before I go and find out who lost such a cutie pie like you." I picked up the small dog and held it close to my chest, I could feel the shivering from the puppy as I walked home. when I reached the door to my house I shifted the dog in my arms, causing a small yelping sound to escape it.

"I'm sorry you poor little thing, I'll be more gentle with you. my apologizes." I unlocked the door and walked into the empty foyer thinking my mom probably went to her normal shift and the diner. I slipped my shoes off being carful not to cause the now sleeping puppy to yelp again.

setting down the puppy on my bed, I went to the bathroom to start a small bath to clean up the stray [straykids rule] once the bath was drawn I went to go and check up on the dirty fur ball sleeping in the blankets that I had just washed this morning.

"You must be exhausted from walking around for how ever long, I'll make sure to find your owner." I paced the halls thinking of a plan to see how I was going to find the owner of the lost dog, when I remembered today was my day to feed the rabbit that my mother owned.

"It's her stupid rabbit why do I have to take care of it, this is the exact reason most parents won't let their kids have pets. Because they don't want to have to be the ones to take care of them, plus this rabbit creeps me out with eyes so dark that they look right through you and into your soul." I paused outside of my mothers room because I could hear faint noises not auditable seeping out.

"Mom, are you home?" I was answered with silence.

"Mom I said are you home?" I reached for the handle and twisted it slowly, I took a deep breath and swung the door open only for my eyes to be contaminated, and all because of the sight I saw.

and it was...

To Be Continued.


I hope you liked the update to this story, I know I haven't been active lately and I wanted to say that I am working on it.

I wish you all the best, stay healthy and happy.
Happy Holidays to you all.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2018 ⏰

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