What Happens Next?

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I looked up at the clock for the 10th time in less than 5 minutes. It was 9:47pm. I had been waiting for the news. My hands wouldn't stop shaking.
I looked down at my phone thinking of who to text. I couldn't be alone. Bellamy was with Clarke and Madi. Echo and Emori were on a trip and the others were busy. I thought about Monty and Harper for a second, still couldn't believe they were dead.
I opened the contact labeled Murphy. 'Would he really care?' I quickly wrote up a text saying I was in the hospital. Not even a second later he texted asking if I was okay. I explained what had happened to Shaw and Murphy said he was on his way.
"Hey..." Murphy said sitting on the cold hard chair next to me. I looked up at him with tears in my eyes. I'd done so good without crying. But just then I felt like I was going to break.
Murphy looked at me with a concerned look on his face. Then wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. For the first time since the crash over an hour ago, I felt safe. What felt like a year later a doctor called me over.
"...I'm so sorry but Miles is in a coma. And we don't know how bad it will be." The doctor said. He kept talking but I barely heard it. You would think I'd cry but I didn't, I just felt numb. They said they would keep him for observation, that's all I heard.
I sat down on the chair next to Murphy.
"So what's the verdict?" I didn't say anything at first.
"What? Are you okay? What happened?" Murphy asked getting increasingly worried about me.
"He's in a coma." I said quietly. Murphy reached over and lightly grabbed my hand. I tried my best to smile at him and he tried his best to smile back.
"Raven, you have been here a whole two days. You need to get some sleep in a proper bed." Murphy said handing me a cup of water. I looked at Shaw in the hospital bed with all the wires and tubbing. I didn't want to leave him but I was exhausted and I couldn't seem to get sleep in the hospital.
I reluctantly agreed and let Murphy help me up. He drove us back to my apartment. I looked out the car window not saying much. That's what I had done the past two days in the hospital, not said much of anything and stared. John hasn't pushed me to talk which I appreciated.
That night I lay awake in my bed not being able to sleep. Murphy insisted on staying the night on my couch to make sure I was okay. I didn't fight him on it because frankly I didn't want to be alone. I looked over at my alarm clock, it read 3:45am. I sighed and reached over to the nightstand to grab my brace.
I hastily put it on and pulled myself slowly out of my bed. Even after all these years I wasn't fully used to the injury. I slowly closed my bedroom door not wanting to wake Murphy. I grabbed a cup and pressed it up against the water dispenser on the fridge. I was so tired that I didn't hear Murphy getting off the couch.
"It's almost 4am, you have to get some sleep." I jumped as I realized his presence.
"Can't sleep. Why are you up?"
"Can't sleep either," Murphy said grabbing a cup for himself. I walked over to the couch and moved the blanket I had given Murphy. I lowered myself on the couch and Murphy joined me. We drank our water in silence.
"You don't deserve this." He said suddenly. I looked up at him confused.
"What do you mean?"
"Raven..you're one of the best people I know. You do everything for everyone yet you get dealt the worst things." I laughed slightly and John smiled a bit.
"I could say the same about you." Not sure what came over us but we sat with our half empty glasses of water laughing at what we had been given in life. I was glad to be there with him.
We finished up our water and Murphy helped me up off the couch.
"Now please go to sleep." Murphy said. I groaned slightly and went back to my room. Next thing I knew my alarm was going off at 7:30am. I spent the day in the hospital. Around 6pm John came.
"No change?" He said pulling off his coat. I shook my head. He sat down on the other chair in Shaw's room.
"Hey, how about we go do something?" Murphy asked.
"I don't really want to leave."
"I know you don't. But Raven you can have an evening off of caring for everyone but yourself." He said. I didn't know what to make of that. It took him a good ten minutes but Murphy convinced me to go somewhere with him.
"We don't even know how to bowl," I said.
"Doesn't matter, it will still be fun." Murphy replied. I slowly pulled myself out of the car and we got shoes and score cards.
"I think you just go like this." Murphy said, followed by him throwing the bowling ball way too hard. Luckily it didn't go too far but he probably could have killed somebody. I tried so hard not to laugh. John smiled when he saw that I was amused.
We spent the next hour being horrendously bad at bowling. And at least half the other people kept looking at us. Pretty sure we were the reason a family left.
"Ah, oh my god I got a strike!" I almost shrieked. Causing a woman to stare at me very weirdly. Murphy clapped and gave me a pat on the back.
"I'm very proud Reyes." I thanked him and we finished up the game. We both ended up doing pretty terrible overall and I won by a whole two points.
"I would have won if you hadn't gotten that strike, beginners luck." He said. I let out a laugh, a genuine one. Murphy smiled at me.
"Nothing, just like seeing you happy." He replied. I smiled at him and we left. Well we forgot to pay and Murphy said sorry about 50 times when he went back in. We laughed uncontrollably all the way to the car. Murphy filled the car up with gas and went to pay at the convenience store. He came back with a huge bag of chips. He parked the car in the parking lot of the closed grocery store and opened the bag.
"Really, right here?"
"Yes right here, Reyes." He held out the bag to me and I grabbed two chips.
"Really, only two." He said.
"I've been thinking with all the vending machine food I've been eating, maybe I should go on a diet." Murphy looked at me and shook his head.
"Shut up," he said then held out the bag to me again. I ate a couple more and he seemed content with that. We stayed until we finished the whole bag, well mostly Murphy finished it and I ate a couple here and there.
"Thanks". I said once he started driving the car out of the lot.
"For what?"
"Everything. Especially the bowling today." I replied.
"Anytime. You know I'm here for you always, right."
"Yeah Murphy, I know." He smiled. Though my life had been turned upside down the past couple days I felt like it was almost better this time. Better because I had someone who understood. Not that my other friends wouldn't but with Murphy it's different. I feel like I belong when I'm with him. I knew I could get through this, whatever may happen with Shaw.

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