Nia and Bitru

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Two days, two days I had been trapped in this eternal abyss of suffering. But she'll come get me. I know it.
One week of captivity. To long to be here. At least there's food. I'm getting a video chat with her. One of the only things I've been looking forward to. She'll come save me. Right?
Day... I don't know anymore. It doesn't matter she not coming to save me. 'She's better off without me' she had said when she thought I wasn't listening. I hung up too early. Definitely getting beat for that, but I couldn't stand it anymore.
He came back and cuddled instead of kicked, pulled instead of punched, and loved instead of lacerated. Maybe it's not so awful, at least he cares about me down here.
Ive been let out of my cell now, with guards albeit but after sitting for so long it's nice to walk around, and Sferla is rather funny. It's warm down here, which is nice! I've been behaving ever since the call, what's the point in leaving to find my unloving girlfriend.
"Pet 24, get up, his majesty requested your presence," Nally said.
"Yes ma'am, right away." What does he want? I never know with that man anymore.
We walk to the throne room in total silence, the guards aren't allowed to talk to me anyway. I knelt in front of his throne as I was trained to do. "Greetings your highness, it's a pleasure to make you acquaintance." I say as always.
"Good evening to you my kitten, rise and face me" Bitru orders.
"Yes sir" I stood and made eye contact.
"Nia, do you like me? Not romantically of course, but in any sense of the word"
"Yes master, at least you care about me" that of course was another slight at Lovette that she'll never hear because she not coming for me.
"Well pet, then I need you to hold still" he said. Oh great, another punishment, I don't even know what I did this time.
"Of course your highness" I was surprised when he pulled out a syringe with a small chip. A tracker? No, I'm right where he wants me. Then what?
He stabbed me with it and injected the chip into my neck. "My apologies for speaking out of turn your unholiness, but what is in my neck my lord?" He looked me over and sighed.
"It's mind control Nia, you are being obedient, but I need you not to hesitate, also, you don't love me. I want to raise you, but how can I do that if you are distant, this is the easiest way for me"
The tears welled up but refused to fall. "Bitru! My god-goodness" I corrected "you're taking away my free thoughts and actions now?"
"Now" he glared "that's not a proper way to address me is it my girl?" he seethed out.
"It doesn't matter anymore SIR you'll fix it with the tech in my neck"
I collapsed when he hit the button.
I couldn't hear very well and I felt paralyzed. He did that on purpose, to let me watch but not be able to stop it.
The last thing I heard before I lost my vision was the restraints being removed and an order to sit on his lap.
"How do you feel my darling pet?" He asked
"Better now that I'm with you daddy," someone with my voice responded, using my lips to answer lies.
He hit the button again and I regained control... and the shackles.
"I'll be in her cell in twenty minutes" he smiled. "Make sure my plaything is is ready for some serious wear and tear"

Nia and BitruWhere stories live. Discover now