The Hybrid Life

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The Remains of Jurassic World

Despite looking like a wreck, it's still a beautiful view, regardless of the wrecked buildings, the forest is lush green,

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Despite looking like a wreck, it's still a beautiful view, regardless of the wrecked buildings, the forest is lush green,

screak! screak!

A pack of Compsognathus scurried through Main Street, they were looking for food,

The one thing they did find was a burned Velociraptor, it was on a grill, they Compies went to eat the dead Raptor, until-


A footstomp was heard,


It was close, the Compies ran out of the restaurant to es-


They were crushed by a large grey clawed foot.

One of the remaining Compies looked up, and saw was a large Pale-White Theropod

It looked like a T.rex, but it was bigger, it had horns on top of it's head, and has two long sharp claws.

It was the Indominus Rex

It was the Indominus Rex

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The Hybrid T.rex roared, scaring away the Compies,

After it was done, it went to roam around

The Hybrid Theropod was confused, every human was gone, and now it had something that it never thought it would get,

Pure Freedom

It went over the Mosasaurus Enclosure

There was nothing but an empty bowl of water,

It remembered that Marine Reptile

Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom: Indominus EditionWhere stories live. Discover now