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You always smile like you're going to cry,
Is it because you are an angel that can no longer fly?
Is it because demons plauge you from the inside?

You always smile like you're on the verge of breaking
It it because your thoughts have you thinking you should die?
It is because the sharpest of words have cut you down,
Never to get up again?

You always smile like you're lying,
I know you are
You always say 'I'm fine'
Even when I know you're falling apart


Just why do you continue this life?
The one where you hide in a disguise
The one where you see no meaning to your life
The one where you take a knife,
And draw lines on your skin
Just so you can hold it all in,
Just so you can hide,
If only for another day.


The light is missing from your eyes,
Yet only I see it
Because I am like you,
I say 'I'm fine' even when I'm not,
Even when I'm dying inside

We do it for the same reason,
Because society has taught us that no matter what,
We are not valid.
It has taught us to remember at all times,
That someone out there has it worse that us.

So we hide,
In plain sight.

Why? Why must we do this?

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes, I didn't check it over at all. I just wanted to get it written down.

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