"Love is Overratted" #17

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"Love is overrated" I say, staring at the ceiling. I can feel dried tears on my face.
"True," my roommate says, without looking up from their book.
"Astriiiiid, I'm saaaaad" I say, sounding bored. I'm still staring at the ceiling. I've got nothing better to do. If I open my phone it's filled with pictures of us and a bunch of dms that I can't deal with right now. I can't read because my eyes are filled with tears and I'm just not up to it this hour.
"I can tell. You've been crying for the last 3 hours. What exactly happened anyway?" They say, opening the window and moving their chair over to it. I sit up from my sprawled out laying position on the bed and look at them.
"Okay bitch. I'm salty and sad so this is gonna be a fun ride," I scoot to the edge of the bed "Basically he was talking to other girls on instagram but there's another thing too. He was also talking to boys too. He said he was straight. And when I asked him about it he said he thought I was cheating on HIM. Just because I'm bi and I tell my friends that I love them doesn't mean I'm fucking cheating. Also just because you think someone cheats on you doesn't give you a reason to cheat on them. I read the conversations and they were all like 'ily baby. nothing is ever gonna hurt you. ill make sure my gf doesn't find out. i love you more than her ;)'" I walk to the open window and hang my legs out, "Aaah I just don't know what to do. I really loved him. Except we started to fall out of love and he became controlling so I guess it was for the best. Does it hurt more than him just breaking up with me? Yes. Did the breakup need to happen? Yes. So in a way it's a good thing. Anyways, thanks for listening Astrid." I finally finish ranting and continue to look out the window. I'm not scared of dangling over the edge. I've snuck out enough times that it's not scary any more. That or I'm just not afraid of dying.
Astrid gets up from their chair and goes into the other room. They come back with a bat.
"Let's go kill this fucker" Astrid says already walking out the door.
"No wait Astrid-" I try to stop them but they're already down the hall.

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