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I was so thrilled about being on time for school that I dragged my feet as I walked to the huge, brick school building the second I stepped out of my warm, comfortable car. Ecstatic didn't even describe how I felt as I neared the school. In fact, I was so excited to be there that I considered bashing my head into a wall just to get a few days worth of excused absences. How fun!

Okay, for someone who had perfect grades, I really shouldn't have hated school as much as I did, but whatever, sue me. Winter break was in a month and a half, and I was counting the days. 42, by the way.

I stuck my hands into my pockets and shivered. I should have probably been wearing a real coat, but it didn't occur to me. It shouldn't have been this cold in early November, though. Chelsea had already run off to find Ryan and talk to him before class. I didn't care as much. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around.

Standing before me was Jordan, an aspiring makeup artist. She was pretty damn good and always had some pretty extravagant yet appealing looking makeup on. Even when she was sick, she still put on a full face of makeup. I wouldn't know, but Chelsea said that was commendable and took some dedication, so I just took her word for it and complimented Jordan whenever she seemed like she needed it.

"Hey, Jordan," I greeted. Jordan smiled widely.

"Hey, Alex, what's up? What class are you going to?" she asked.

"History, and not much. How are you? You don't text back," I complained.

"Oh, yeah, because you are the king of replying."

"Touche." She had a point. I was awful at texting back, but Jordan was too. Between the two of us were probably four messages, and that was over the course of a week. Yeah, it was that bad.

"Anyway, I've been good. Still considering dropping out and becoming a prostitute," she joked. Or, at least, I hoped she was joking. I'm pretty sure she was.

"I mean, at least you don't need a degree for that," I replied. She laughed and nodded. We started walking into the school building.

"Yeah, true, I-" she was interrupted when a couple of guys walked by.

"Oh my God, you look like a fucking clown," one of them commented to Jordan. She stopped talking, and I could see her happy expression fall. She hated when people said anything negative about her makeup because it was her way of expression. She was really sensitive, and she was sweet, and no one should want to make fun of her. I balled my hands into fists.

"Shut the fuck up and fuck off," I snapped. Jordan looked up at me in surprise, but she shouldn't have been surprised. Of course, I was going to stand up for her. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't? What kind of person would I be?

"Me shut up? You shut the fuck up! Everyone knows you're a fucking fairy, anyway," the kid responded.

"Hey, ease up on him," his friend chimed in. "He may have a point defending her. Gay guys have an eye for fashion." I felt my blood boil like water in a tea kettle. Also like a tea kettle, I was about to start screaming. However, I didn't.

"You know, speaking of, that's a killer shirt. Does it come in your size?" I asked. Jordan laughed, and the guys looked like they were about to punch me. I was blessed when they were interrupted.

"Hey, Pillsbury Dough Boy," someone said from behind Jordan and I. We turned around and saw our unlikely savior.

"Ryan?" Jordan asked, just as surprised as me.

"Yeah, hey, you guys okay?" he asked. I crossed my arms and refused to respond. I literally could not care less how immature it was. What the hell was he doing?

"Yo, Smithe, why the hell are you talking to them, bro?" the annoying kid in front of us asked.

"I'm not your 'bro,'" Ryan informed him. "And I'm gonna need you to walk the hell away and leave them alone. Go back to the Chocolate Factory so Willy Wonka can deflate you and give you back to your mom." I snorted and covered my mouth, looking down. I heard Jordan crack up while the kid stood there, fuming. I bet Ryan was really proud of himself for that one.

"You're an asshole," the kid said before walking away with his friend.

"Thanks for taking the Keebler Elf with you!" Ryan shouted as they went inside.

"Thanks for that, Ryan," Jordan said. I turned to look at him. I'd never actually observed him. All I knew was that his eyes irritated me, his hair was always messy and straight, and he was tan which meant he went outside. Now, I noticed he was about a head taller than me and a little intimidating. He had some pretty broad shoulders and looked fairly muscular which added to the whole intimidating thing.

"Anytime," he told Jordan.

"Well, bye," I said dismissively. Jordan looked somewhat surprised by the fact that I didn't appreciate Ryan's help more, but I didn't really need it. I mean, I respected him a little because he stepped in when he could've stepped around, but that was it. I know she didn't really expect for that to get me to like him, did she? I turned around to walk away, but Ryan spoke.

"Wait a second, Jo, can I talk to Alex for a second?" Ryan asked. I opened my mouth to protest, to say "Nope, no way in hell," but Jordan, of course, has my back.

"Yeah, for sure, have fun," she said and quickly dipped away. Great. I groaned and turned around. I took a step back that way I didn't have to break my neck to make eye contact with him.

"Can I help you? I have a class to get to and so do you," I reminded him. Ryan crossed his arms.

"Why don't you like me? I've never done anything to you, but you hate me." I shook my head.

"Don't be so dramatic. I don't hate you. I just don't like you." He scoffed.

"It's the same thing."

"No, it's not." Ryan sighed, obviously frustrated. I smirked. Good. He irritated the hell out of me yesterday. It was good to get a little revenge.

"Then why do you dislike me?" I considered telling him. I knew Chelsea would never confess her feelings for him, but I didn't want to mess with whatever friendship they had by doing it for her.

"Don't worry about it. Go to class." I said as I turned around abruptly. Ryan grabbed me, and I was actually a little surprised he felt comfortable putting his hands on me. I wanted to slap him away from me until I turned around.

There was no smug or condescending look on Ryan's face. Instead, he seemed upset. I guess he wasn't used to not being someone's favorite person.

"You don't really have a reason to not like me. I just want to know why you don't."

"Well, yesterday you didn't seem to care that I don't like you." He scoffed.

"I didn't realize you take things so seriously."

"You almost stole my phone."

"I wasn't gonna steal your phone, drama queen." I scowled.

"You get on my nerves," I said firmly. Ryan smirked, and I wanted to kick him in the throat. "And if this is your attempt to get me to like you, you're failing."

"Woah, woah, woah- who said anything about wanting you to like me?" And with that, Ryan walked passed me, leaving me fuming and wondering one thing.

What the fuck was going on with him?

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