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The first thing I heard when I awoke, was a scream. It was obviously Dan's. Shocked and panicked, I leapt out of my bed, causing black spots to dance across my vision. I closed my eyes, before opening them and running in the general direction of the scream. Mine and Dan's apartment wasn't very big, and it was easy to navigate.

"PHIL!" Dan shouted, his voice panicked and slightly muffled. Was he being kidnapped? My mind instantly went to the most extreme things. Before I caught sight of Dan, a cloud of smoke drifted through the doorway, creating a thick, grey veil.

"Dan! Where are you?" I shouted back, covering my nose and mouth before running into the smoke. What on earth was going on? What had Dan done? Was it even Dan that did this?

"In the kitchen! Help, Phil!" He sounded so vunerable, so weak that it made my stomach stir, like it did every time Dan was hurt, or in trouble. I cared so much for the younger boy, and to see him hurt almost broke my heart.

"I'm coming, Dan, I'm coming!" I cried back desperately.Through the thick sheet of smoke, I saw something flickering in the corner of my eye. Confused, I spun around to face it, only to find that there was a fire.

"SHIT!" I gasped, before continuing my search for Dan. As scared as I was, I would not leave Dan behind. I would never forgive myself if I left Dan. Something stirred infront of me, and a slightly tanned hand became visible through the dark grey cloud.

"Dan, I'm here, it's okay!" I knelt down beside him, grabbing his hand, hoping to never have to let go again. My heart was racing, my mind spinning. I could just see his face through the smoke, his beautiful face..

"Phil..I lo-" Dan was cut off by a round of coughing, which quickly brought me back to my senses. We had to get out of here! "Come on, Dan, we need to get out!" I wrapped my arm around his waist and lifted him up, before looking back over to the fire. It had already doubled in size.

My lungs began to burn, breathing becoming more difficult by the second. Dan was still coughing, almost all of his weight leaning on me. My hand was still wrapped around his waist, the other holding his hand. If this wasn't an emergency, it may have been a perfect moment.

My heart leapt at the contact of Dan's cheek pressed against my own. He had stopped coughing, but was breathing heavily. His hand tightened around mine, causing my stomach to do a back flip. I had never told anyone how I felt about Dan, although sometimes I had gotten very close to admitting to him. The truth was, I loved him. But I knew he would never love me back.

I flung the door of our apartment open, and called for help. "Help! There's a fire!" I shouted as loud as I could, hoping at least our neighbours would hear us. Sure enough, they did, and while I was taking Dan downstairs, our neighbours called both the fire brigade, and an ambulance for Dan.

On the way downstairs, I smashed the glass on one of the fire alarm switches, causing the alarm to start blaring out across the whole building. Once me and Dan were outside, I sat him down, his back pressed up against a wall.

"Deep breaths, Dan, deep breaths." Although there was no need to still be holding onto him, I kept both hands clasped around his. My lungs felt like they were burning, and breathing in was painful. But I didn't care, I just wanted to make sure Dan was okay. Dan did as I told him, coughing occasionally.

"What did you do to set off that fire?" I pushed a stray strand of hair out of his face, staring into his gorgeous chocolate eyes. A small, weak chuckle escaped his lips, before he started coughing again.

"I was trying to cook you breakfast..a proper english breakfa-" He was cut off again by his coughing. The concern in my eyes must have been obvious, because he smiled at me and said; "I'm fine, don't look so concer-" But he started coughing again, proving himself wrong.

"Why would you do that? Why would you try to blow up the whole apartment block for me?" I asked jokingly, causing Dan to laugh. But then his face took on a serious look, and he stared into my blue eyes, making my cheeks turn a soft pink colour.

"Because..." He hesitated, before leaning forward suddenly and crushing his lips against my own. My eyes widened, my cheeks feeling as if they were on fire. What was happening? Why was Dan kissing me? Despite the fact that Dan and I had almost been killed, I felt extremely happy.

Eventually, Dan pulled back, his eyes opening again to meet my own. "Because I love you, Phil." His face spread into a grin, which was mirrored only by my own. Was this really happening?

I leant forward, pecked him on the lips lightly, and then whispered into his ear. "I love you too, Dan." Dan's small grin, spread even more, until he was literally grinning from ear to ear. I never thought this day would come!

"Oh my God! Phan is real!" The voice of a girl shouted beside us. I looked up, shocked, to find a girl wearing an AmazingPhil t-shirt, and a Danisnotonfire wrist band. Instead of responding, I just laughed, and turned back to Dan. The girl ran off, shouting to her friends who stood at the end of the street.

I didn't mind if the fans knew. We may lose a few subsribers, we may even gain more, but what did that matter? I could finally be with Dan, even if it took almost burning down the whole apartment block.

A/N: So that was the first Phan I ever wrote!:D What do you think? I hope you like it, feel free to comment below what you think! Thanks for reading<3

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