A Quiet Beginning

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Hi this is the author with a few quick notes to explain a few things. This story will have TRIGGERS of varying kinds. There will be cursing, sex, torture, violence, and more (if i ever get around to writing this). YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Now the man above is Akashi Girasol, the main character. I will post his bio in a later chapter if people ask for it but what you need to know right now is that he's a male, 25 human years old, he's half human half dragon, 6'3" or 190.50 cm, he's my baby so please do NOT, i repeat DO NOT STEAL MY CHARACTERS. Thank you for your attention so if you have anymore questions please ask in the comments or pm me. I'll be happy to answer what I can and I love criticism so if I'm doing something wrong let me know. Hope you enjoy and on with the freak show that is my imagination.

When people use the phrase: 'Blood is thicker than water', generally they do not know the entire phrase and genuinely believe that the family you have blood ties with should come first. I want to give everyone who believes this phrase a high five, in the face, through a window, ten stories high. As you can imagine, I haven't had the best of luck when it comes to relatives. My mother was publicly executed, father joined her through suicide, and my grandfather who was my guardian afterwards was just plain awful. There were other relatives such as my uncle and aunt, but they never could be bothered to raise me, trying to prevent my grandfather from pissing neighboring countries off with his awfulness. They let grandfather have his way with me (mind out of the gutter reader). They figured it was better for him to fuck up their nephew rather than their entire country. It honestly didn't surprise anyone that I killed my grandfather; however, the method used was, shall we say unorthodox. Now that introductions are out of the way, my beautiful wife is calling.


"Sweetheart," Juno called out, "The meeting is about to start. You need to come out now." With an airy sigh, Akashi gingerly closed the new journal, and forced himself out of his nest of pillows, blankets. He placed the book on an rather small oak side-table, then proceeded to exit his nook. Silently jumping out of his nook in the ceiling, he snuck behind his suspecting wife, covering her eyes with his large hands. "Guess who."

"Let me see, I came in looking for my dear husband but he seems to be missing. Can you help me find him, charming stranger?" Juno mocked sweetly. Akashi moved his hands so that his arms wrapped securely around his wife's waist; "Only if I get something in return. How about tonight I take you out to the most expensive place we can find, and I complain about the food. Then once I finish eating, I can satisfy the growing hunger you have for me. How does that sound?"

"Absolutely lovely, but what will my husband say when he finds out?"

"I'll battle him to the death, and win you over with my undeniable charm and witty commentary." Juno let out a roar of laughter that echo through the old, stone library. She turned around, still in Akashi's arms, and asked, "May I kiss you?"

"Without a doubt." After a minute or two passed, there was an awkward knock at the main doors. A scowling midget stood at the doors and a cheerful giant stood behind her. The midget, Saeyia (pronounced: sigh-yah), lectured the love birds about them wasting time, and that they all needed to hurry to the meeting chamber before their guests got restless. With that, the four briskly walked to the meeting and greeted their guests.

The meeting consisted of arranging terms of peace with a growing country who wanted the nation of Reinos de Todos as an ally. Despite some arguments, Akashi found the meeting to be quite successful, primarily because for once their guests weren't traumatized into submission. The sun was setting by the time the meeting finished, so Akashi escorted the guests to the marble dining room where an enormous feast had been laid out. The room was a buzz with activity as local people and travelers socialized. The head ambassador's repulsion of the scene showed through their plastered smile and asked Akashi, "My dear king and friend, why have we come here? Surely there is someplace more...secluded? Both my own queen and myself revel in our subjects' happiness, but to dine with them? It is a bit...unorthodox don't you think?"

Grinning down at his guest, Akashi reassured them that he and his council regularly joined in the festivities that was seen before them. The guest smiled awkwardly back and hesitantly followed in Akashi's shadow, unsure of how everything operated. Seeing their guest and their company meander around, Juno, Akashi, Saeyia, and Orgdek guided the foreign ambassadors and guards through the scene, helping them adjust to the undoubtedly unfamiliar circumstances. In the end, most everyone enjoyed themselves and the food.

Eventually, everyone left for their homes or were guided to spare bed chambers for the night. The four rulers went into their separate ways after bidding each other a restful night. After promising Juno to come to bed soon, Akashi left for his nook in the library ceiling. He wrote what he thought of the ambassadors that visited today, and what he planned to get done tomorrow. Once that was finished, he doodled random things that made him happy: stick figures of his friends and himself and a simple flower shape that he thought looked like an apple blossom. The two drawings were accompanied by many other doodles like it and a few others.

A fleeting image struck Akashi, which caused him to furiously flip to a back page that had a crude drawing of a feminine figure. Many of the woman's details were unclear or left blank. The most vivid feature she had was the gentle smile. Akashi didn't know why, but he always could see that motherly smile. Trying to recapture the image, Akashi filled in what details he could. The woman was a mystery to him, and it irritated him to no end that he couldn't remember her. Was she a kind relative, a lost friend, maybe a past lover? Shaking the thought out of his head, Akashi closed the journal, tossing it in the direction of the oak table.

Sluggishly, Akashi made his way back to his shared bedroom where Juno was trailing her fingers across the lines of a book. Juno lifted her head towards her husband, her fingers still trailing along the page. "How are you feeling Akashi? You seemed a little tense at dinner tonight." Akashi brushed it off with, "It was just that the head ambassador was being rude about eating with our subjects, as if we shouldn't have been there." Juno set her book down so she could give Akashi her full attention. "I wouldn't worry about it too much. You know how humans get hostile when faced with a strange situation."

Chuckling, Akashi retorted, "Hey now, don't forget both of us are half human. You shouldn't insult half of your ancestors. It's very rude." Juno playfully slapped Akashi on the shoulder who had joined her in bed. "Are you ready to sleep my dear?" With a nod from a relaxed Akashi, Juno delicately ran her hands through Akashi's wild mane of light blond hair. Casting a spell, Juno checked on the barriers she had placed in Akashi's mind so he could sleep peacefully. Once Juno deemed everything secure, she exited Akashi's mind. In his sleep, Akashi wrapped his arms around Juno, thinking she was a large, stuffed dragon. Juno quietly cooed at her husband before trying to find sleep herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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