why we need friends and best friends part 3

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friends can teach us life lessons. When a close friend does something you disagree with, you're more likely to confront them and discuss what has upset you than if it's a person you aren't as familiar with. Getting through this with a close friend helps to prepare you for other times in life where you will need to face a difficult situation.Now you have this skill in your life skills bag.best friends are loyal. Loyalty means never having to worry about someone spilling your secrets or talking about you behind your back. Best friends equal built-in trust. Most likely, you've spent years building your bond, which just gets stronger over time. A loyal friend will be on your team no matter what. They will be honest with you, but won't betray you. Having a best friend means sharing experiences,  Sometimes, when we get stuck in our own routines, it's nice to hear about what other people are doing. " of mine who didn't have kids opened my eyes to new things,"  Often we can live vicariously through our close friends and learn about things we may not have thought about doing.One of the greatest things about having a best friend is being able to share—everything. They are the ones to whom we tell things we wouldn't dream of telling anyone else—our greatest fears and biggest mistakes. Being able to share these intimate details about our lives helps to normalize whatever has happened.Fear or discomfort is diffused when you share it with a friend.

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