Back story

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So (yn) means your name now let's get started

Your father just died of an unnatural cause your mum has gone crazy and attacks you every day. After a year of being attacked by your mum you run away not knowing where your gonna go. You run into the woods and fall down a hill and pass out. A tall figure comes and takes you knowing your not actually human. When you wake up he ask your name "(yn)" you say.
"My name is slender man. I found you in the woods what were you doing there?"
You start crying "I ran away because my mum hurt me ever since my dad died..."
He left the room and told you "get some rest".

You got knocked out by someone else in the room,you didn't know they were there...

Later when you woke up you were in a room blood was Stained everywhere and you somehow weren't scared and liked her room.

Slenderman came in and gave you some clothes and black converse to wear. Your shirt was black with a few stains of blood and your pants were black jeans (change if you want to).

I know it's short, this is my first chapter though and my first story. Hope you liked it 😀.

Ticci Toby x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang