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Looking around, knowing that no one was around and I had my chance to take pictures with my camera around the place for my photography wall in my bed room and for a gallery show coming up in a few weeks.

Half way across the pond and getting a call from the gallery telling me what they are looking for; I started to hear voices and vehicles on the other side of the lake, where I was heading to.

I quickly started my little motor up and went closer to the other side, I saw a truck that had an army sign on the side of it 'oh shit, thought this was was deserted!' I thought and quickly got out of my boat, grabbing my camera and my phone and tried to hide and get away so I can get to my car.

I had no such luck on getting away, when I thought I was in the clear, I wasn't, I was walking right into a group of guys, and my I say, that they are my age and hot looking. There was at least 25 of them, but only 5 out of the 25 guys, caught my interest. I turned my camera on and started taking pictures of them, even close up ones, dang, my best friend Silvia would love to drools over these guys!

I quickly turned my camera off and stay quite as best as I could and stayed in the shadows while they all walk by, I heard a few animalistic growling, but let it go. I let my breathe go once they were gone, I quickly looked back, then kept moving forward, I knew I still wasn't in the clear, and my thoughts were confirmed by siren going off, I heard some saying, "someone was here! Someone was here!" and "smells like a female!" that one was weird to hear and the last one was "go, go find her!".

I quickened up my pace and started going faster and faster, but I was no match and not fast enough, they were gaining on me. I saw a small path to my left and quickly went into it. I started to run as fast as I could and heard someone shout "in here, I smell her going through here!" I cursed under my breathe and started putting all in, into my run until my foot got caught on something and hearing a cracking sound, I let out a scream, knowing that would give me away, but all I could care about at the moment was the intense pain in my left leg.

"Guys, she's over here" I heard someone say, I saw that someone, he had short dirty blonde hair, he's one of the five that I saw, I laughed a little and he looked confused at me. I saw four more guys coming over to me, 'damn these 5 sure are hot' I thought, then groaned in pain "shh, shh it will be alright" said a guy with white looking short hair and green eyes. I whimpered as someone else touched my left leg, and two other people touched my leg when the white haired boy helped my leg out, I was surprised that I didn't feel as much pain as I did.

He set my leg down and as soon as the other guys took their hands off me, all the pain was back, and it was too much "you idiots! Looks what you did" I looked at the two boys that had their hands on me, they looked like twins, both with brown hair with blonde highlights, their hair was sticking up in the front, the hair was short too.

That was the last thing that I was thinking about and saw before I let the darkness take me away.

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