Sleeping Irishman(TerrorSnuckel)

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This AU is based on this picture!! The picture was made by someone on Tumblr, I don't own it!

Brian- Sleeping Beauty
Brock- The Prince
Evan- Maleficent


Once Upon A Time, there was a Queen and King that had a Handsome baby boy and they named him, Brian Riser. He had soft brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. He was the King and Queen's only child. As a honor of Brian, they threw a Royal Ball and invite everyone in several different Kingdoms. But one person wasn't invited to this celebration and his name was Evan Vanoss and he wasn't a happy guy right now. He storms around his study thinking of what to do. Then he gets a evil idea and smirks really big. Evan heads off to the Celebration with that Idea in mind.


[I]The Dance hall was full of chatting people talking about the Baby. One young boy about three or four years old goes over tl the baby crib and looks inside to see Brian staring up at him making cooing sounds at Brock. The Male smiles and puts his hand in the crib and Brian grabs for his hand. Brock giggles at the Baby's actions. Then the doors o f the Dance hall flies up and a evil looking male comes walking into the hall.

"Evan.." Queen Craig says

"How come I didn't get a invite to this party?" Evan asked

"We forgot!" King David says

"I'm always forgotten..." Evan says

He walks over to the crib and looks inside and sees Brian and smirks.

"I actually have a gift from your handsome son. On his 18th birthday, Brian will prick his finger on a spinning wheel and will die!!" Evan says laughing as he disappears in red flames

[I]Queen Craig grabs Brian and cries a little, his son was cursed now all because they didn't invite Evan Vanoss. Then three good fairies came forward. These three were Marcel Scotty and Anthony. They each give Brian that would help with the curse instead of Brian dying he will be in a deep sleep until his true love comes and kisses him on the lips.

"But Evan will be back on his 18th birthday! What should we do??" King David asked

"We could take Brian and raise him?" Marcel suggested

So the King and the Queen agreed to letting the three Fairies hide Brian away until his 18th birthday. But they had to look like humans so no magic what so ever. It was easy as first but when Brian started getting older, they couldn't hide it from him and told him that they were fairies.


Brian was 17 years old almost 18 because his birthday was tomorrow and he was excited to be a adult finally. He grew up beautifully and he was quiet cute. Sure he was a little short but it didn't stop him from doing what he did best. He smiles as he sees his uncle's up to something. The Irish Male kinda knew what the three were up but he decided to go take a walk for a little bit. He grabbed his baby blue cape and basket and headed out on his way. He puts the hood up over his brown hair and tells his uncle's he would be back later this evening. His blue eyes shined as he walked around the woods where he lived with his uncle's. He starts humming a soft tune getting the Attention of a certain Prince.


Prince Brock had grew up  as well and his green eyes shined as he rode his horse into the woods, because he was bored and had nothing better to do. Then he stops his horse Moo Snuckel when he hears someone singing close by.

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