Nowhere To Run. (Prologue)

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Shadows of Evil
Wave 69
Dempsey's POV


I say as I blast away a zombie back with the Vitrolic Withering (don't you dare), not noticing the freak behind me, Takeo taking care of it with his katana, Nikolai shooting portals into the horde in front of him with The Apothicon Servant while screaming "IDI NAHUI CYKA BLYAT", Richtofen covering his six with the FFAR, everything was going great for us until-

Nikolai: Blyat! No Ammo!

Me: Shit! We're Cornered! Richtofen! Beat Back The Horde!! I'll Give Suppressing Fire!

While the drunk fuck throws Monkey Bombs, Richtofen's Shooting the FFAR at the horde while I clear some stragglers, Somehow Takeo picks up a Boomhilda and starts firing at the horde, how much fucking bullets are in that tiny mag?!

We were running out of ammo until Takeo sliced a Meatbag in half and out came a Max Ammo, Thank God!

Nikolai noticed that all his ammo was back, fisted the Apothicon Servant again, fed it some blue orb thing-is that's supposed to be blue? I thought it's purple- and fired.

Nikolai: PIZDEC! BAD IDEA! *gets sucked in*

Takeo: Damn You Nikolai! *Gets sucked in*

Me and Richtofen were holding on, until I lost my grip and grabbed Richtofen's Shoe


Then I get sucked in. Go figure. I'm pretty sure Richtofen got sucked in too....but whatever I'm trying to regain consciousness

A While Later
Deimos: I'm pretty sure I'm getting rusty with my writing style.
Still Dempsey's POV

I wake up in a forest at night and the first thing that comes to my mind is-

Me: Fucking Finally! Grass and Trees!

Alright, time to check if my shit's still here

Let's see.....
Dingo: check
Vitrolic Withering: check
Perks: check
Ammo: check
Clothes: check
Richtofen and the rest: gotta find them
Richtofen's shoe: che-wait, what?

Oh boy, I guess I'll throw this shoe in the nearest river.

While I Pondered where the nearest river was, I heard gunshots to my left, I aimed my Dingo at the bush to my left, I waited..........only to find Nikolai beating a black bear with spikes coming out of it's skin with his trusty sickle.

Me: Goddammit Nikolai. Next time try knocking.

Nikolai: oy, didn't you hear the PPSH firing at that bear? And also where are our comrades? I'm lacking vodka in my bottle.

Me: Who the fuck knows? I didn't hear it since I was thinking. Don't know where Takeo and Richtofen are, and we'll get vodka in the next town we find, as long as there's no lava polluting the place, and hope there's no zombies.

I was about to continue when I hear the sound of an FFAR and a familiar sound of a Laser Mauser. Jeez why do these on-queue moments happen. Then Takeo comes out with a wolf skined hood on.

Takeo: I Am Here With An Animal on My Head And I Want To Slice Open More Black Creatures. For The Emperor.

Nikolai: oh give me break 'starts drinking non-fermented kvass then spits it out' THIS IS NOT KVASS CYKA 'throws it up into the air and blasts it out of the sky'

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2019 ⏰

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