~The Hatred~

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Scarlet's P.O.V.

Right after what that bastard had done, I immediately tried to hid the dirty clothes using the jacket I brought, luckily I brought it since I knew it will get quite chilly. I immediately took my bike and started to walk...

"Hi Ms. What are you doing here all alone?" Goosebumps creeped in my skin the moment I heard someone's voice coming from behind me, I froze for a moment only to force myself to take larger steps than usual.

"Why don't you have some company? Do you want me to accompany you?" Another voice spoke, this time I started to run. I knew I was in deep trouble the moment their hands came to hold my arms and started to pull me somewhere.

"Let me go! You're hurting me!" I struggled to get away from her

"Let's just have some fun!"

"What are you doing to her?" A familiar voice made me open my eyes and turned to the man before me, I felt relieved, thankful as well as I knew at least I hope he'll be there to help me.

Within a second the two boys started to run away, I was left alone with a few tears in my eyes, scared and still traumatized of what had happened a few minutes ago.


Slowly, he took me to seat in one of the nearest empty building, it wasn't that scary but it was nothing compared to the building I've been throught earlier. He sat before me, giving me his handkerchief before talking...

"Dylan came here didn't he?" Did he follow him?

"Why is he making my life so miserable?"

Without knowing, I started go cry and had a breakdown, I hate the guy who made this to me. I hate him to the point that I want to hurt him, but then as of now I am very weak, I needed someone... I needed to release all my anger even just for a few minutes...

"If you don't want to stand then do a handstand, by this your tears wouldn't fall no matter how teary you might be"

I turned to the side and was surprised when he suddenly made a handstand near the wall, for a moment I thought he was weird... but I realized that he was right... tears wouldn't fall because of that...

"Thank you Darren"

"Dylan is someone who needs love"

"I don't understand, why are you telling me this?"

"Because somehow, I hope that you'll be able to answer all the questions you have. Because in that way you would understand who Dylan really is and what he is like"


"Scarlet! Goodness what happened to you?" Mother turned to me, very worried and serious as she looked at my clothes, checking me if I'm okay or was hurt.

"I suddenly tripped over the food, but no worries I got the payment and our customer didn't get angry"

Dylan's P.O.V.

Right after that annoying encounter with Scarlet, as if she is someone so mighty that she refused to even back down, I immediately went my way back to my house. The food I bought were immediately given to the street children who had been begging for money since earlier, I didn't but them to just throw it on her but simply because I want her to know her place... too bad she still haven't learn...

Arriving at my house I found my friends in the basement, the basement isn't the scary part of my house, actually it became another lounge, but this time a secret lounge which I use when me and my friends gather around for nothing at all or no reason.

"What are you planning to do to Scarlet now?" Caesar asked, he was woth Connor in the lounge sitting at the sofa. They are really twins, whenever one goes the other also goes but this time I have no idea why they want to go here.

"I have another thing to do, maybe tomorrow we'll finally know her worth"

They are informed about what I wanted to do about Scarlet, now seeing them getting curious made me quite surprised and confused on what is happening or what changed them right away.

"Where have you been by the way? You said you had something important to do" But they didn't know that I came to meet her since they're going to stop me from bullying the girl without no sprcific reason at all.

"But before that where is Darren? Have you contacted him?" I asked for sure these two didn't just come here without telling Darren, this is a group meeting which means Darren should be here as well.

"No, he said he needs to do something as well" Connor spoke, now where could he be?

All of a sudden the door opened revealing Darren who took striding steps towards us

"Oh there you are Darren, where have you been?" Connor asked but Darren didn't answer their questions, he walked and walked until he was able to reach me.

"The two are seriously annoying, we're asking them serious questions but refuses to answer us seriously or just really don't answer us" The two muttered in annoyance.

"I met Scarlet at the alley way" He spoke, ths line stole my attention and in surpise, I was quite angry at that point since he probably saw Scarlet in such scenario.

"What were you doing there?"

"She was being molested the moment I saw her walk out of the building"

"Wait Darren you followed Dylan?" The two inquired so many questions but he kept his eyes on me, waiting for me to maybe at least feel sorry for what had happened to Scarlet.

"Well it's not my fault that she went on the street, besides why would those boys find her attractive to molest her?" That was such a bad sentence but I didn't know what else to say... I knew I insulted her and at the same time angered Darren.

"For someone as smart as you for once you can actually be dumb"

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