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Sunlight danced through the treetops in the forest, gracing the earth underneath it with an almost ethereal glow. Hunched over in one of the only shaded spots sat James, earbuds tucked in their respective places as his fingers drummed on the book he had in his lap. He was doing homework in one of the only calm and peaceful places he knows. The vast and beautiful forest in Wolftrap, Virginia. His father had decided to try his luck with gambling rather than just drinking, and left to Vegas for a whole week. He had locked the house up and left without giving James the key, resulting in the young teen deciding to camp out here. In a place he felt at home.

His lips parted just a tad as he hummed along to the music, picking up his pencil and noting down the last of the words on his homework. He shoved the pencil back in the backpack he had sat next to him on the ground, pulling the earbuds out of his ears and into the bag as well.


Was that a dog? James turned around just in time to be pounced by a brown ball of fluff. He grunted as he fell on his back, gaze snapping to the animal on his chest. It was a large dog with a fluffy brown fur, differently colored shaded spots littering across its pelt. The dog immediately assaulted his face, slobbering it up with a large, wet tongue. James cracked an amused smile, unafraid to show emotions around animals. Animals reacted differently to them, it was safe to show them openly. He ran his fingers through the thick fur, caressing the rough skin underneath it with the tips of his fingers. ''Hello there, my furry friend. You look awfully groomed for a stray.'' He scratched his digits behind the dogs' ear, watching in faint fascination as the dogs' hind leg started to paw the air. ''No, you are too kind and well-kept to be a stray. You don't show any signs of abuse or trauma. So, where did you leave your owner in these woods?'' He observed the dog some as he stood up, speaking out loud as if the dog could actually understand him.

''Those are some accurate observations, he used to be a stray.'' He heard a male voice mutter. His head snapped towards the noise as he noticed a man standing there. He had dark brown, curly hair with peculiar eyes to match. He wore a red plaid shirt, casual jeans with questionable stains on them and some mountain shoes. James glanced down at his own attire and furrowed his brows. He looked worse than this man! His shirt, which he had been forced to wear multiple days already, was black with a lot of dirt on it. He wore brown khaki's which needed some serious stitching and his feet were, at this point, bare. His toes wiggled some, gently rubbing the sand and grass of the soil as he remembered the shoes with a hole in the soles that sat in his backpack.

''You are the owner.'' James observed, retracting his hand after giving the dog one last pat. He didn't ask, he merely stated. ''And you are good at observing.'' The man replied meekly, his gaze flitting around before landing on the dog. He whistled a sharp tune, and the dog immediately ran to his side. ''As more should be in today's society.'' James replied bluntly, before realizing how rude he could have come across. ''I-I... I like your dog.'' He sputtered out, trying to change the subject. The man cracked a smile, lifting his gaze up to the boy's chin. ''Winston. His name's Winston. My name is Will.''

''Jame-... Jamie. Call me Jamie.'' The teenager decided that he liked the calm around Will and Winston, and didn't want to be so formal as he usually was. He felt relieved that the man didn't seem to care much for formalities either, and didn't seem bothered by informality. Maybe he could make a friend, for a change. ''Are dogs your favorite animals, Jamie?'' Will questioned softly, and it almost seemed like he was as socially inept as James was.

''Wolves, actually.'' James admitted before a fleeting smile crossed his features. ''Dogs come closest, I suppose. They are always happy to see you, they love you without judgment, and they are sincere. Every bark, nudge and lick is sincere. There's no hidden agenda, no schemes or double meanings. It's a simple case of 'what you see is what you get.' I like that kind of simplicity.'' He fell quiet, his pale cheeks heating up in a red blush. Why was it he always had to react so different to questions compared to normal human beings?

''I'd like to think that too, yeah.'' Will agreed immediately, gaze flitting down to the boy's bare feet. ''You look like you live here.''

James followed his gaze and grimaced, kicking up some dirt with his foot. ''I-... Temporarily.'' He stated hesitantly, reaching down to grab his backpack and hoist it on his shoulder. He should probably be on his way to find a place for the night, as the sun was slowly disappearing at the horizon.

Will remained quiet for the longest of time, his eyes glossed over just the slightest. Thinking, he was thinking. ''You can stay with me.'' He finally said, petting Winston's head. ''I mean, if you want. There are more dogs, too.'' James stared at the man dumbfounded for a moment, gripping the strap of his backpack tight enough to turn his knuckles white. He swallowed thickly, shifting his weight from one foot to another. ''I'd like that, thank you.'' He and Will turned around and walked in the direction his new friend had first come from, Winston barking happily as he ran ahead.

''You'll be known for collecting strays now, Will.'' James commented airily, a playful tone lacing through his words. Will smiled an actual smile as they neared his little house. ''I already am, Jamie.'' 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2018 ⏰

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