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A young, beautiful girl walked down the empty halls of Ginger Elementary, holding her mother's hand.

Another child appeared walking down the halls. A boy holding his mother's hand.

Once they reached speaking range, the two mothers stopped, their children following their actions.

Gwen! One woman said, harshly. Jane. The other woman said. Gwen walked off with her daughter, still holding her hand.

Mommy, who's that? The young boy asked. Oh it's no one sweetheart, just an old friend. Jane said to her son.

How do you know her mama? The young girl asked. When you grow older my child, you will know. Gwen said. Most definitely. She whispered to herself.

10 Years Later
Danielle Flynn walked down the long hallways of Eastview High School when a heavy shoulder bumped into her.

Hey watch it! Tyler Monroe staying angrily before turning around and smirking.
Flynn. Tyler said flirtatiously.

Tyler! Danielle said as she rolled her eyes.
If you wanted to speak to me, you could've just said so. He said, batting his eyes.
Why would I want to talk to you? Danielle asked sarcastically.
Because... I'm Tyler Monroe and you're Dani Flynn. He said smiling.
Don't...ever call me that again, okay? Okay! Danielle exclaimed sternly before walking away.
What ever you say Dani. Tyler said making her grunt, mentally to herself which only made him chuckle.

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