10: Slate

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Emilia rushes down the hall, unable to keep down the meal's food.

The door to her chambers swings open, Ebba sits on her quilted bed. She scans one of Emilia's many novels.

Emilia rushes to Ebba's side and tugs on the sleeve of her dress.

As a response, Ebba guides her to the chamber pot. She allows Emilia privacy as she empties the food from her uneasy stomach.

She turns around, with a pale complexion, and stalks over to her bed.

Ebba sits beside her and asks, "What did they say this time?"

"Oh, Atria."

Ebba leans toward the open door, her near-black eyes watch the door, waiting to see if anyone is present.

Before she could see anyone she closes the door.

Behind her the small girl groans, her coarse features are strained.

Anticipation continues to fill in Ebba.

"What did they say, Emme!" Ebba demands, her grip tightens on her apron.

Horror fills her eyes as she begins, "T-They spoke of gutting her, and." Emilia inhales, preparing herself to tell the rest. "And hanging her skin like animal hide." She spat those words out, trying to keep her words steady.

Ebba's shoulders tighten. "We have to get her out," Ebba mutters, she turns from the bed and begins to gather items.

It's finally time to save this Nalla Tereshkova. Whoever she may be, her soul is damned if she stays here any longer.

Emilia had been exposed to too much, she must escape. Ebba reminds herself.

She rips open the wardrobe and pulls out an ancient pair of riding boots, shirts, trousers, and a cloak. She stuffs this into Emilia's most valuable sack.

She glances up to see Emilia sitting there, tears streaming down her cheeks, but Ebba redirects her focus, to their plan.

Ebba and Emilia have been planning this for months. This is her family's last gruesome sacrifice to Adonis.

She will end this, she is the only one willing to, and who has the authority to.

"Get dressed in this." Ebba hands her a dreary top, and trousers.

Emilia does as she is told, and changes from finery, to common clothing.

Ebba then slips the sack over Emilia's shoulder, and her full lips turn upward, her golden hands smooth out the wrinkles of the cloak.

"Emilia you can do this, do not relent, be strong" Ebba pulls Emilia to her chest, as a mother would, when saying farewell one last time to her own child.

Emilia's lower lip begins to tremble, "My name is Liah Alrend." She replies to Ebba, she repeats the plan. "I am from Northern, Naarden, and I am the daughter of the only scholar there." She gulps.

"Thank you, Ebba." Tears glide down her rosy cheeks.

"Anything for you, uja." She refers to Emilia in her native tongue, Naarien.

Run far away from here, the last words of Ebba echo in her mind.

Only three others knew of their plan, now Emilia's plan.

Her feet whisk down the hall, the guards are stationed to the dining hall and the mazes of barren halls.

Her nest of hair was wrapped around her skull, done by Ebba, her final gift to her.

They will see each other again, Ebba has promised her.

Below, Nalla moans as she rolls to her side.

She has not felt this much grief in a long, long time.

"Leo. Why are you here?" She questions. Her fingers touch the pocket watch, she tugs at the rustic metal and slips it into her pocket.

All those weeks she spent with Saros, all those dead ends led to this. Nothing.

Leo is only a mere whisper in this realm. Yet Saros felt his presence, but it was too late.

May Athanasia guide him to the Realm of the Dead.

She jerks her body away and drags herself to the slop that they are fed down here.

Her Fair hearing floods to her surrounding. She hears the breathing of a distant Dwarven male. That damned soul.

Her eyes flutter open, and she forces the rotting food down her throat.

Next, she takes a bucket, and she washes it all down with a swig of rum.

Her eyes water at the foul flavour.

Yet she would keep her mouth shut, she was being fed and there was nothing she could complain about.

Surrounding her is only darkness, while all is not right with Leo, she can barely even glance up at the corpse.

In the cool, she suddenly feels a warmth dancing upon her lengthy fingers.

A spark of Magicks barely bursts into the air.

She knew who it was. "Saros." She says the Warlock's name as a mere heap of syllables.

Tears sting her eyes as he attempts to reach out to her.

"Gods. Don't come."

Fae Born: Inure 《DISCONTINUED》Where stories live. Discover now