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Shutting the door to my locker a bright sunny smile greeted me. "Ready to go out to ramen!?" Mirio asked like he had never had ramen. "Yeah, of course. It's been awhile since I've had a bowl of ramen." I giggled following him outside, glancing over I barely made it to his shoulder. He had gotten so tall, he had also gain more muscle too. Looking down I also noticed scars on his forearms making me frown a little. 

"Did they not have ramen in the states?"

"They did, but most of it was instant."

"Woah no way, I don't know if I could go without legit ramen!" He chuckled rubbing his nose gently.

"Yeah, they had a lot different food, and much different people."

"You said you got along with them though right?"

"Oh yeah, but they said I was like a Magical Girl there. A lot of what I did was advertising and modeling, I did hero work here and there. But it seemed like I was a really big idol hit rather than a hero."

"Well that still gets your name out there for when you are a hero. You'll have a lot of influence in media and popularity from there and it'll stem over here once you graduate!" He cheered throwing a fist into the air making me smile.

"You know I even had my own cereal."

"What no way!?"

"Yeah way, Hearty O's! They were pink loop hearts that taste like strawberries and full of nutrients. Honestly I think they tasted better without milk, but they turned it pink."

"That's so cool, why didn't you bring any over for me to try?"

"They wouldn't let me take any on the plane so I am having someone ship me a care package. I was going to make it a surprise for you." I smiled poking his shoulder. "But seeing you smile makes my day."

"Huh?" He paused turning his full attention to me.

Clasping my hands over my mouth I hadn't realized what I blurted out. Blushing deeply I stopped for a moment just a few steps from the ramen bar. "I-um...I really like it when you smile at me." I admitted putting my hands behind my back looking down at the ground.

"I like it when you smile too." He said taking a few steps towards me, gently he took my chin making me look him in the eyes. Feeling myself draw into him, I got on my tip toes as he leaned down just as our lips were about to touch a cough was heard behind us. Quickly pulling apart we both look towards the noise. "I came to check up on Ichigo since she hasn't answered her phone." Ken groaned with a stern glare.

Looking down at my bag I quickly pulled out my phone seeing the various messages and calls I had missed. "Oops, sorry I left it on silent from school." I awkwardly giggled pointing at it. "Well your parents are worried sick about you now."

"I told you I was going out with Togata yesterday."

"Well its best to at least check up with them before rushing off after school."

"I am an adult ya know, I don't need to be baby sat."

"You might be an adult, but I don't think you're mentally ready for the adult world."

"You just graduated, so how mentally prepared does that make you." I puffed up my cheeks pouting with my arms crossed as I could hear Mirio cringe behind me. Ken's face wrinkled in pure anger before simmering down with a strong sigh running his hand through his hair. "Make sure to check your phone from now on." He warned walking away with a slightly stomp to his step.

"Wow, you sure did stick it to him." Mirio chuckled swinging his fist with a light sweat.

"He's been clingy since we got here, I guess it might be because it's a new place. I don't know, was that how I was in the states?" I questioned myself as I thought about the texts Mirio and I had sent back and forth. Maybe he did harbor secret feelings, or maybe I was overthinking it. Letting out a sigh I brushed it off. "Come on we came this way for ramen, not awkward bickering!" I cheered setting on my path again before thinking about what we were doing before being interrupted. Sitting down we both ordered before the air became stiff and awkward.

"So..." I we both said at the same time stumbled to find words. "You first." he said scratching the side of his cheek. Blushing lightly a looked to the side trying to focus my thought and rapidly beating heart. "Outside...We-we almost kissed right?" I bluntly asked making him flinch a little. "Y-yeah, I guess we almost did huh?" He chuckled awkwardly.

"Does that mean, you-"

"Yeah it does, I've liked you for awhile honestly. I think even before you left, at first I thought it was just puppy love. Then you left and it felt like a piece of me was missing, it's hard to explain. But when I got your letters that spot filled with a hot warm feeling that made me want to burst with happiness. Tamaki also pointed it out too, but now its so obvious to me now that you're here." He explained making my whole face turn a bright red. "Ah, are you okay your face looks really red!"

"Ah no, I just didn't think you would reciprocate my feelings is all. I've practically dreamed about this day as I sent all my letters. It honestly seemed like nothing more than a dream." I sighed out trying to steady my heart. "You've grown so much, you've become so popular, it all feels like you are so far ahead of me. I didn't even think I'd be worthy, but that only motivates me to become stronger and worthy of your affection!" I pumped myself up with a bright smile as our bowls were placed in front of us.

"But you don't have to be worthy or strong for me to like you Ichigo." He chuckled, "I just like you any which way you are. I think you have grown a lot and become really strong just based on the Utube videos I saw online."

"You cheated!" I mocked pointing at him with a cheeky pout. "Hey I was curious and Tamaki told me he saw it pop up on his news feed!" He protested before digging into his meal. Snapping my chop sticks apart they broke awkwardly. "Ah, I have gotten rusty at this." I glumly said setting the broken pieces down taking another pair. "Here let me help." Mirio offered taking one side splitting it with me perfectly breaking them apart. Handing me the other half with a bright smile I blushed leaning over pecking him on the cheek. "Thank you." I whispered to him as a faint pink crept onto his face. "Yeah no problem."

We ate pretty peacefully joking around in between bites as we told stories about the past year. As we talked a question lingered into my mind, waiting until we were both done I finally decided to ask as we packed up to leave. "Hey Mirio-" I called to him as we got outside. He turned around on his heel with a bright smile making my heart skip a beat. "Does this mean, we are... Ya know..." I fumbled around not knowing the proper way to ask. "Oh right, sorry I've never done this before so I am little ahead of myself." He calmly cleared his throat closing his eyes with a sigh. "Ichigo, will you do me the pleasure of being my girlfriend?"

My eyes lit up as I felt my body move forward jumping into his arms. "Yes!" I cried out as he caught me, spinning around he held my waist firmly. When we came to a halt he set me down with my arms still wrapped around his neck. Leaning in we kissed gently but passionately, as if a years worth of pent up love were being drawn into one kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2019 ⏰

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Make Love Not War -Mirio Togata Fanfic- Smut includedWhere stories live. Discover now