Monday May 19, 2014

66 3 0

Dear Ella,

Yes.  I know.  I changed it from Lucy to Ella.  I've decided to write to my little sister now.

Liv and Craig have pretty much adopted Makenna and I.  We're like a family now.  Which is nice, because now we're not just two teenage girls on our own.  Viggo seems to have adopted Morgen, and Sam and Matt basically went "Oh, there's a girl to take care of, so we can work together as brothers to do it." They took Brooke in.

Nikco and Charlotte are too independent to be "adopted."  Meh, it's their own loss.  Honestly, Ian and Sylvester have to work together to keep the two in line.  I don't know what we'll do once Sylvester leaves.  Maybe Christopher Lee can help, since he's a wizard.  I hope.  But I doubt it.  I have no idea how Sylvester and Ian manage to keep Nikco in line.  The oldfarts must have people skills.  Shoot.  Don't tell them I called them oldfarts.  Oops.  I'm a Candor.  And I squirrel very easily.  I think I have ADOS problems.  Caitlin always says a look so focused, but- ANYWAY! 

So I wrote the script for the next part in the morning, had lunch, got it approved, had supper, whatever.  I'm getting into a routine now.  Dang, I'm tired.  Staying up late writing is really having an affect on my mood.  It's not a bad mood, like Nikco gets, but a really wierd and random mood.  I should stop before I start creeping you out.

Hope you're having fun,


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