『 Prologue 』

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There are things that are taboo for Dongwook (other than his real name); woman, liquor, and love.

Three of the most crucial yet fun things that Dongwook believed those were not something unnecessary. He was pleasant with what he has created and what he has achieved.

He believed his love for a woman will be just like flowers; it will bloom in certain seasons, just like cherry blossoms to the spring.

A formality, maybe? Just to make her mother happy. Getting married to someone, pretending to be happy with her, having children to always be entrusted with his mother, giving a normal life for himself who doesn't even believe in love.

But here was the thing; as long as his mother is happy, he will be happy as always.

Indeed, classic.

His friends always teased him with the topic of romance and alcohol. They say Dongwook won't be able to achieve the beauty of lovesick until he reaches the pleasure of drunk. Dongwook thought that the statement was groundless, but sometimes he still thought about it too.

But then there were pair of hazels that were as clean as crystals, as pure as diamonds, and as attractive as stars. Only a sight, a split second. She looked happy, but not too. She looked impressed, but she didn't really show. Her appearance was as calm as the lake's water, but her feelings were as noisy as the waves. She didn't show how to smile, but apparently her gaze was able to make people happy.

Then Dongwook felt his body heat up, especially his cheeks. His breath stopped repeatedly because his heart beated more than usual. Dongwook had felt nervous every time he wanted to be on stage, but he had never met such features like this one in his life as a public figure.

Then ... what exactly happened?

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