Prologue Part 1

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March 2nd, 2001, Marty's bar, Chicago Illionois

John Winchester trudged through the doors of Marty's bar after a particulary long and tiring hunt, trying to get closer to finding out what killed his late wife Mary, his agression very clear by the way his shoulders and back were tensed up.

John walked up to the bar and signaled the bartender and grumbled, "Whiskey, double the rocks," the bartender nodded and made his drink, before John could take a drink a beautifully manicured hand put it's hand on Johns hand and told the bartender in the most sultry voice John had ever heard said, '

"Put his drink on my bill pllease Mark," Mark nodded and walked away to the other customers. John looked at the hand that was wrapped around his and the glass and looked at the person connected to it,   this woman was pale, had goregous flowing chestnut brown hair which framed her face perfectly, she had a cute buttoned nose and beautiful blue eyes to go.

She took Johns breath away. John looked at her for a second longer before he spoke and nodded his head, "Thanks for buyin'," he said, she smiled and looked at him, it was clear that they were instantly attracted to each other and they both knew it.

"It was no problem Sweetie you look tense and I figured I could take the stress of paying away, I'm Annaleise by the way," John looked at her mesmerized ad spoke in a less gruff tone, "I'm John, John Winchester, and may I say you are gorgeous," Annaleise giggled and thanked him, " Well aren't you sweet, dare I say you aren't so shabby yourself Mr. Winchester, so what do you do for a living Mr. Winchester?"

John, knowing he couldn't actually disclose his hunting way of life knew to lie through his teeth, and so he did, he smiled calmly and said, "I'm a mechanic, though I go all over the country for work, I'm a more of an adventure mechanic, and you, what do you do?"

Annaleise smiled, she knew she John was going to lie, as she was about to do. Annaleise knew about John being a hunter. She was a witch and what supernatural creature doesn't know about John Winchester, the man travelling across the country to find out what happened to his wife, so Annaleise smiled and said, "I work in the pharmaceutical industry, it's pretty boring actually."

All throughout the night, the hand Annaleise had wrapped around Johns' had progressed to drawing shapes on the back of his hand, slowly becoming more tipsey the both of them were laughing at the bar and never taking their eyes of the other. Her hand eventually ended up resting on Johns thigh and Johns hand atop hers.

John was the one to make the first move, by bringing his hand up and brushing a piece of hair from in front of her eye to her ear and pushing it gently behind, Annaleise made the next move by putting money on the bar counter and taking John by the hand and leading him out of the bar, she let John take the lead and brought her to his car and pushed her against it and was slow to put his mouth on hers and prolonged the kiss for a long as he could, he decided she tasted like cherries and she decided he tasted like whiskey, he pulled away slightly out of breath a did she and like a gentleman opened and closed the car for her.

What went on that night was passionate, and filled with moans and heavy breaths as they dissolved into absolute bliss...

2 Months later, Four Seasons Hotel, New York

Annaleise held the little white stick that would determine her life forever in her hands, which is why she called her long time closest friend and fellow witch Rowena Macleod to come and support her. She had two minutes on her phone timer when a knock at the door came through and echoed throughout the large hotel room, Annaleise went over and opened the door, relief flooded through her when she saw a familiar red head standing there with a smile on her face, Annaleise welcomed her in with a hug and led her to the bathroom.

Rowena noticed the little stick, "How much time is left dear?" Annaleaise looked at her phone to see that there was only 20 seconds, 20 seconds to wait and see if her life would be changed forever, "20 seconds," Annaleise replied. Now all they had to do was wait.


Rowena and Annaleise looked at each other nervously before Annaleise grabbed the little white pegnancy test and turned it over.


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