Prologue Part 2

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9 Months Later, December 2nd, 2001

Annaleise was lounging on her couch with a pint of ice-cream and a spoon accompining her and her very very noticable bump watching some trashy television, at this point in her pregnancy she was exhausted, she had to pee all the time, her feet and back hurt, God this baby was strong and God did Annaleise know that.

While in the middle of spoon feeding herself ice-cream she felt a tug on her bladder and winced, 'Geez does this baby ever get tired of treating my bladder like a squeeze toy,' Annaleise thought as she got up to pee for the probably hundreth time that day. After finsishing the business her baby made her start Annaleise left the bathroom and was hit with a heavenly smell that was coming from the kitchen and she followed it.

In the kitchen stood Rowena, and very surprisingly not wearing a dress but wearing black jeanes and a nice blouse as to not totally have her usual Rowena flare dissapeare, now Rowena was in the kitchen cooking something for Annaleise and the baby as Rowena and Annaleise have gotten so much closer than before since Annaleise's pregnancy and now Rowena was often found at Annaleise's apartment cooking something.

"Rowena whatever you're cooking smells so divine, what is it?" Rowena smiled and said, "Well I have a few things going sweetie, over here,"

she gestures to a tray of mini pie templates ,"is going to be filled with macaroni pies, this"

she gestures to a baking tray, "is going to be a Scottish tablet, and finally this,"

she finally gestures to a yellow packet with some red writing on it, "is some Tunnock tea cakes, just something sweet for the wee baby," Annaleise smiled at her friends actions and the fact that she has been there throughout her whole pregnancy, she was there for the babies first kick, she was there for the baby having hiccups, she was even there when Annaleise was having braxton hicks contractions and helped her through all of that, in short this was a lifelong friendship Annaleise couldn't bare to part with.

"Thanks Ro, you didn't have to but really thank you," just as Rowena went to reply when Annaleise felt a cramp and gasped when something cold and wet drip down her leg, she leaned over and winced from the cramp, Rowena stopped whatever she was doing and rushed to Annaleise, "Are you okay sweetie? I think it's time to meet the wee baby now, you ready?"

Annaleise went to reply when she felt anther cramp wave and this one was more intense than the first and she moaned in pain, so instead of speaking she responded with a nod and went to go grab her labour bagged she had prepped in her third month, but Rowena stopped her from getting the bag and got it herself and rushed Annaleise to the hospital.

~Fast forward 8 hours~

"Ahhhh, I can't do ths Ro, I can't, it hurts so much!" Annaleise cried out, she'd been in labour for about eight hours and it was killing her, it felt like a war going on inside of her and this baby was the general of it all. Rowena felt sympathy for her she knew what it was like giving birth because she of course was the mother of Crowley and had gone through a hellish birth.

Rowena stroked Annaleise's hair and spoke in a soft tone, "Of course you can do this, you are a strong and powerful witch and if anyone can do this, it's you sweetie," she continued stroking Annaleise's hair just as the doctor came in and said,

"Okay let's see how many centimetres you're dialated," she checked Annaleise's dialatio and smiled, "Okay, you're at ten centimetres, lets have a baby," Annaleise looked at Rowena nervously but Rowena just smiled at her reassuringly and took her hand.The doctor smiled and then turned serious,"Okay when I tell you too, you need to push okay, push!" Annaleise cried out in pain as she pushed then stopped and was breathing heavily,

"Push again Annaleise, even harder this time," and again she pushed and cried out, tears of pain and exhaustion were streaming down her face,

"Okay last time Annaleise, push as hard as you can," and again she pushed and cried out as she pushed to the hardest of her ability.

She stopped pushing when she heard the most beautfiul sound she'd ever heard. A babies cry, her babies cry, the doctor handed Annaleise her baby and smiled,

"Congratulations, you have a baby girl," Annaleise was still crying but these were tears of happiness instead of pain. She looked at her baby girl as she opened her gorgeous (E/C) eyes, 'she is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life,' Annaleise thought as she held her baby girl, Rowena looked at the scene and smiled,

"She is a beautiful wee lassie Annaleise, what are you going to name her," Annaleise looked at the beautiful baby girl in her arms and knew instantly what she was going to name her, she looked at Rowena and said,


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2018 ⏰

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