stuck in love (or a vending machine)

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word count: 2356

"you look a little stuck."

camila gains the strength to groan. she could have now been titled as 'the unluckiest person in the history of dumbasses'. first, her hand gets stuck in a damn vending machine - don't ask how - and now, the love of her life was here, just in time for the show!

well, technically speaking, not really.

but she is.

she just doesn't know it yet.

camila knows that it was extremely creepy, and she could probably be put under restraining order or something because of that, but she can't help but to just fall in love with someone who doesn't even know who she is.

well, she does now: as the girl who got her hand stuck in a vending machine. not really an improvement, but hey, she'll take it.

hell, she didn't even know much about lauren, but everyone knew she was bisexual. out of the closet.

camila was too.

camila looks up, and she was smiling at her. her. lauren jauregui is smiling at her. camila almost spontaneously combusts because oh my fucking god, she made eye contact lauren michelle jauregui - the most perfect thing camila has ever seen. lauren was smiling, and the smile was for camila. oh my god, she's gonna die.

suddenly, camila was extremely self-conscious because her damn arm was up a vending machine. not a pleasing sight. and she's near the soon-to-be love of her life, she must've looked like a burnt chicken nugget. but she loves herself.

now, she probably looked like an idiot, with her face was half-mushed into the glass. who the hell could be attractive while looking like that?

lauren could.

lauren snaps her fingers in front of the lightly tanned girl's face. "hello? camila? you there?"

camila held back a gasp, and she repeatedly blinked, because holy mother fucking shit, lauren knew her name. lauren knew who camila was - she knew she existed!

"you know my name?" camila barely manages to say.

lauren ran her hand through her raven black hair, and camila was pretty sure she pissed herself on the spot. "w-well, yeah. we have homeroom together. for the past two years, i think."

of course, camila knew that lauren was in her homeroom class. she specifically knew that lauren always sat near the front door, and camila doesn't complain. lauren's usually early for school, so every time camila passes by the front door, she's greeted by the goddess. even if she's seated at the back, she'd always use the front door.

lauren was the sole reason why camila couldn't rush any of her homeworks at homeroom period. lauren was also the reason why camila couldn't catch up on her sleep. she was, well, too busy staring and admiring lauren.

"so, is there a reason why you're groping a vending machine? or are you just practicing for later?" lauren asked.

later? what later? camila was a wuss, she couldn't even approach lauren even if she wanted to. why did lauren even ask that? it was such a random questi-

hold up.

is lauren jealous of a vending machine?

oh my god.

camila's eyes widened. "w-what? i don't-" she stuttered. "i'm not- what?" camila asked, horrified.

lauren laughed. "relax," she told her. "i'm kidding."

stuck in love (or a vending machine) ➼ camrenWhere stories live. Discover now