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On his way to school, Sicheng nearly ran into Yuta for the second time. He looked up and gave his best smile, trying his best to cover up the wrap on his arm, but Yuta saw it.

"Sicheng what happened?" he asked. The younger blushed and looked at the ground.

"I-It's nothing...." the boy answered.

"You know you can tell me anything right?"

"R-really?..." Sicheng stammered, looking into Yuta's eyes.

Yuta took Sicheng's hands in his. "Of course. I'm always right here."

The younger blushed even more, a smirk creeping onto his face.

At lunch, they exchanged numbers, Sicheng promising to text Yuta that night. Sicheng went home for the first time in his life smiling. That smile was quickly wiped off his face when he saw his father's car in the driveway.


That night, Yuta lay in his bed awaiting Sicheng's text. He tried his best to keep himself occupied. Taeyong talked with him earlier and helped him with his homework. Finally, his phone dinged.

Win_Win: hey

Japanese_Kitten: what's up hru

Win_Win: ....

Win_Win: n-not good....

Win_Win: I'm hurting....

Japanese_Kitten: what's wrong??

Yuta's heart rate sped up, his hands shaking. What did his father do this time?

Win_Win: n-nothing

Win_Win: I don't want to burden u with my problems....

Japanese_Kitten: Dong Sicheng u r not a burden. I will always listen to u


Win_Win: w-well....

Yuta waited for Sicheng's text, staring at his phone. He was getting very impatient.

°Win_Win is typing....°

"Sicheng hurry please...." Yuta whispered to himself.

Win_Win: i.... c-cut.... my wr-wrist....

Japanese_Kitten: Sicheng.... u know u don't have to do that....

Win_Win: c-can u meet me at the park?

Japanese_Kitten: right now?

Win_Win: y-yes please

Japanese_Kitten: alright

Yuta hurried and changed into some decent clothes and ran all the way to the park, sitting on a swing and keeping his eyes out for the younger.

After minutes later he saw Sicheng approach, tears streaming down his cheeks. Yuta jumped up and sprinted toward him, pulling him into his arms. Sicheng wrapped his arms around Yuta's waist and rested his head on the older's chest. And to Yuta, it felt so right.

"Talk to me," Yuta said softly. Sicheng pulled back, wiping his face and pulling up his sleeve, revealing dark red slashes all the way up his left wrist. Yuta grabbed it gently, barely touching his fingers to them.

"I j-just can't d-deal with l-l-life anym-more m-my dad b-b-beats a-and rapes me a-and everyone b-bullies me at s-school and my m-mother doesn't do a-anything about it because she doesn't kn-know and-" Yuta pulled the sobbing boy back into his arms and gently rubbed his back, trying to sooth him.

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