Chapter 7: Tell me it's just a bad dream

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Lauren's POV

"Lauren, I am confused as heck, why do you look like a pretty wreck? Did someone hurt you?" Jamie came to my room and I rushed into his arms.

"Yeah, someone hurt me, can we just please...not talk about it?"

"If I find that person, I am gonna fight!" Jamie became protective. If only he had a clue that I love a woman and not any woman, I fell in love with my own sister. Imagination of Dani came to my head and I started sobbing. The only reason why I wanted to become drunk, was Christina and the hate me and Dani have been getting recently. I couldn't live with that anymore.

"Hey, don't cry, babe. I will protect you from everything bad on this world, I promise. Beautiful girl like you shouldn't be crying." He wrapped his arms around me and I didn't care, I just laid my head into his chest. 

"Maybe, you are right. I got no tears left to cry. Not for that person, anymore." I lied, trying to hide my pain. 

"So what can I do for you, love?" 

"Please, can you just give me that bottle of whiskey? I wanna become really drunk and just forget about everything bad what happened to me in past!" Jamie looked at me with shook but after a short time, he finally handed the bottle to me. I have drunk like half of it, so I was already having a nice hangover. Oh, Danielle, look what you did to me...

"Jamie, can you please like seduce me? I missed you, I missed your body. I need to feel you again." I begged. I started kissing him roughly and we ended up... in my bed.

"Lauren, you are drunk. We shouldn't make out. I don't wanna be the reason why you will regret this soon."

"Didn't you hear me? Just fuck me, I beg you!" I screamed and completely drunk, I got rid of all my clothes. I didn't know what I was doing...

Dani's POV

I just heard some weird sounds coming from Lauren's room. I decided to check that mysterious situation. When I saw them, I wanted to throw up. Please, tell me this is just a bad dream...

"What is happening here? What are you doing? Lauren?" My voice cracked at the end. I couldn't believe what I just saw. I came closer and noticed it was her ex crush, Jamie. I never thought they can be that close. My prediction just came true, she just flippin cheated on me.

"Oh, hey, Dan. I wasn't expecting you here, what are you doing here?" She was obviously drunk, I could say that by her tone of voice and behaviour.

"I will better go now." He finally dressed up and left us two alone.

"Baby, I missed you. I really did. Where have you been?" Lauren wasn't even able to walk properly. 

"But Lauren, few minutes ago, you kept telling me something else? You wanted to blow me up from your room?" She started puking and I immediately shifted the trash can in front of her. I rubbed her back carefully and got her hair out of her face while she was letting the guts leave her weakened body. I still love her and I really care about her...

After an hour...

Lauren's POV

I woke up from peaceful sleep but my head hurts like hell. Something bad must have happened.

"What happened with me, Dan?" I saw Dani standing next to me.

"Lauren, I am hurt! You cheated on me!"

"What? I would never do that?!"

"Well, you just did!"

"I don't remember that. Babe, don't trump up!"

"Well, of course you don't remember that. You were drunk as heck!"

"Oh shit...What was I doing?"

"Well, you were fucking with..."

"...I got it, we were doing that again. It's not a surprise."

"Lauren! You weren't doing that with me. I said that before that I am angry with you because you cheated on me with Jamie!"

"What? No way? I just did that?" I slapped my head and started blaming myself.

"Can you just forgive me, please? I was drunk, I didn't know what I was doing!" I started crying.

"Nope, Lauren. It's too late now, I am breaking up with you!"

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