Chapter 6: A Drunk Ginger

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Love has it's peaks and downhills. You can think of it as a rollercoaster really. Experiencing everything and anything. But new things never come easy. Think of it as a dog that is trying to learn a new trick, it never gets it at first but success later on. And now, Kageyama has to learn a new trick. For the first time, Kageyama found himself with the small helpless ginger accidentally getting drunk for the first time on this too sunken sofa in a house full of party people.

"G-Go upstairs to his room I'll cover you." Ayu winked at him awkwardly. Kageyama nodded and grabbed his boyfriend over his neck and around the small waist. Hinata groaned loudly while being forcefully moved, Kageyama had to shut him up before anyone would notice. All he could think about was a whisper to his ear, if he could hear him at all. Just a whisper was pathetic but that's all he could manage to do with both of his arms occupied. The words still popping up in his head as they tried to reach the stairs without giving out any attention. It was like walking through an open grass land full of zebras. Don't do anything out of the ordinary or they might run you over if they get scared.

Shutting the door behind them Kageyama pushed Hinata away who eventually land on his bed with volleyballs on with giggles in his voice. Kageyama bent down and tried to peak through the small keyhole to see if any of the other drunk 20-year olds were out there.

"Tobio~" That doesn't sound good. The tall boy darted his eyes on Hinata laying in an uncomfortable 'sexy' pose. Kageyama tried to hold back his laugher. There's no way not in a million years that Hinata, small and adorable Hinata, would manage to actually pull off sexy. It was just not his style. Later, when that shrimp regain his awareness, he would so tease him for that. Hurry up and wake up!

"Tobio~ I still wanna kizzzz you! Come and give a smooch!" He said teasingly. Words flew out of his mouth, something in the line  like tsk or something. He didn't pay much attention due to the worry if any of the guests were able to open the door. Both of them knew (well mostly Kageyama at the moment) that Hinata's door hasn't got a key to it so just about anybody could walk in without a warning. Actually, the toilet or something would be smarter to hide in. No it will definetly give off some awkward vibes. But maybe-

"Ur so mean!~" Hinata wined behind him having a battle with the pillow. The pillow is problay the better fighter. Bet ya 10 yen that Hinata will loose.

"Shut up dumbass!" Kageyama groaned in sync with Hinata's weird noises. Voices matching like an untuned guitar.

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Aoki Ayu. A strange girl with a strange mist around her that you can't see through. A girl simillar to Hinata but in girl-form and taller. With metallic grey eyes and flowy black hair. Like Kyioko but not at all.

Hinata and Kageyama disappearing upstairs as the girl stands there actually thinking about what she said. 'I'll cover you'. What the heck was that? How do you cover a couple, one being drunk at that, going upstairs where no one is. It is an open goal to stare at the emtpy stairs with two boys just in perfect sight of a lot of people. Not to mention that one of them is this party's birthday boy. HOW DO YOU COVER THAT!? It's not like she could bring everyone's attention away from the stairs. As she stood there, Ayu's noises of irritation reached a nearby Nishinoya.

"Oh hey! I saw you talking to Sho-chan and Kageyama over there before! Who are you?" Nishinoya's eyes sparkled with a wide smile across his face which catched Ayu off guard. She was about to answer when that grey haired guy slapped the smaller one in the back.

"Hey Suga-san that hurt!"

"Manners! Hi! We never got to introduce ourselves properly before. What's up, my name's Sugawara or Suga for short and this is Nishinoya." Both of them grinned. It was scary.

"O-oh hi! The name's Aoki, but please call me Ayu!"

"Ayu, huh? I've never seen you before. Where do you live?" The taller one asked a little too straight forward question. The grey platinum eyes darted nervously around the room. It's just a small question...

"Uhmnm... around here? Not too close and not too far away... I'm more of a city girl."

"City girl!?" A bald guy popped up behind her back making her jump so high even the baldy got a little startled. Ayu noticed that the other two complete strangers were struggling to not burst out in laughter. What a weird bunch.

"Haha...! Ah, where did that little ray of sunshine go now? I haven't seen him for a while." The grey haired guy scratched his head.

"...Shouyou right?" Her shoulders lifted up in hesitation. Pretty sure he's describing Shouyou...

"Yeah! Well I can only imagine that you already noticed but Hinata is an energic one. Him and Kageyama is the freak-duo that made the Karasuno team proud." Suga smiled and patted the backs of the other two weirdos that seemed to be friends of his. Their smiles big and wide like their faces was gonna fall off.

"O-oh! Wow! I didn't actually know that!" Ayu said nervously. Well, this is kind of the distraction I was thinking of...

Suddenly, a big crash was heard from the other side of the room. Everyone turned their heads torwards the noise. Oh no this is bad! Just above the stairs some orange curls peeked. He said some weird things that was hard to hear until the last words of his made everyone at that party feel a very uncomfortable. Ayu could feel her face heat up in embarrassment. She stood there with her hands in her face and an uneasy mind.

"Eweryone.! Me and Toibo are going to make out upstars now so if you wana com-" The bouncy curls was interrupted and dragged out of sight. The crowd of people all felt the weird atmosphere flow through the air. For the rest of the evening, it was hard to forget. Ayu thought of going after them but she hesitated when thinking back to what little Hinata said.


I'm truly sorry for all this...

Okay next chapter is going to be a part 2 of drunk Hinata thihi


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2018 ⏰

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