Chapter 5- The Wings of Freedom

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Year 848, Three Years Later

The wind blew in our faces as we flew through the air with our 3D maneuver gear. I twisted through the air doing complicated twists and rolls as I dodged trees and aimed for the nearest practice titan. I pulled out my twin blades and aimed for the nape of the neck of the practice titan.

I blew out more gas from my gear as I sped towards my next target. I whisked by my instructors taking notes on our maneuvering skills and titan killing skills. I drove my blades into the flesh of the dummy titan making a satisfying 'fsh' sounds as I cut deep into its flesh. I speed off into the distance already hunting down my next target as I fly through the trees.

Instructor's point of view

Alexandria Felberth... a master of the 3D maneuver gear and she excels well in the classroom. Her hunting skills seem to switch over to her titan killing skills making her an enemy of humans and titans alike. She is confident in her military training but seems to be holding back by some unseen barrier.

A little farther away from Alexandria, Ian and Adeline come flying by, slashing their blades through the fake titan' neck and speeding off again. Ian seems to be complaining that Adeline was getting in his way of obtaining more points from this practice. Adeline just snorts and races off after Alex with Ian yelling at her to wait up.

Ian Eberhardt... his actions speak louder than words when it comes to strategy and attack. He excels in the field but not quite in his studies. He has the motivation to be a leader but hates when others take his spotlight.

Adeline Herrman... probably one of the most obnoxious and energetic trainee known to mankind. She absorbs everything she's learns as though she eats a book for knowledge and her 3D maneuver skills are unmatched. She is executes missions well but lacks teamwork skills.

The instructor watched as more trainees passed by recording their scores and giving them brief descriptions on their skills. The last group came into view with Angelina, Jonah, and Myra in the group.

Angelina withdrew her blades and went in for the kill. Her blades sliced through the fake neck, barely slicing it enough to call it a "kill."

Angelina Von... a smart mouth who can never seem to shut up when the situation calls for it. She seems to be more interested in boys than in her skills most of the time. But when she is motivated, her skills are hard to compare to.

Jonah came by next, swinging his blades through the neck. His cut is deep enough but he loses his balance and falls out of the sky. He almost hits the ground but shoots a grappling hook into a nearby tree and speeds up after Angelina.

Jonah Ritter... a skilled boy when handed blades. But he tends to let praise get to his head. Not bad when it comes to hand-to-hand combat. Tends to slack off more then focus on other things.

The instructor's head looks to his right to see a small figure come speeding out of the trees. Myra locks eyes with her target and slashes through the fake neck at lightning speed. She speeds away after everyone else, determination set in her eyes.

Myra Reinhardt... an all-around soldier with the heart of a hawk. She's fearless at everything thrown at her despite her weak appearance. Her skills resemble those of a tracker ready for the kill...

The instructor gave a signal and the practice was done. The trainees returned to the camp, tired as ever but happy with their results.


Alexandria's POV

I sigh and flop down on my bed. Adeline returns from the showers, whistling with her hair tied up in a towel. I groan and roll off the bed onto the floor. Sometimes you gotta be thankful for a lower bunk. Adeline justs snorts and rolls her eyes at me.

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