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Merlin's POV

" Arthur is that you... I can't believe it," I says I am staring at Arthur, who is a live and well.

" It's me," he says as he leans in to give me a hug.

" Wait. Minute! Morgana I swear if you using your magic to bring Arthur back to life I swear I actually kill you for real this time," I says to Morgana in my head.

" Emrys, I can assure that you are the one who called Arthur. My brother back to life. It wasn't me... this time. Watch your back I stronger than you," Morgana said back to me but in my mind, we communicated through the mind.

" Morgana leave me alone,"

" Arthur I cannot breathe, my friend," I say as he pulled away.

" I am sorry... wait how are you still alive,"

" by Magic of course," I say as Arthur laughs at me.

" Show me around, I would like to see my new home,"

" London used to Camelot, but we changed the name after you died,"

" So... why you come all up here to get your breakfast,"

" Castle, is empty with you Sire, so I here where their people,"

" I am sure we arrange for you not to be lonely," Arthur says to me.

" Dad, we have some where to be," says my daughter Marcella.

" Find your brother let's go," I said.

" Hey. I just got here Merlin you can't leave again... Stoping me leaving," he said and the last part he said to himself.

" Dad, I can't find Marcel... he must have taken the bus,"

" Well. you have to Marcella but something caught you attention at the bus stop and then you make here,"

" It was so weird he arose from the river like Jesus arose for the tomb," my daughter said looking at Arthur as if he was kind of God or something.

" I am it was exciting to watch History or what most people to believe a legend come to life," I said to my daughter.

" I am not a legend I am?" Arthur asked as if he had been dead for a thousand years... oh wait...

" Only the greatest legend of time... it is called Legend of King Arthur. The Knights of the Around Table and the Camelot the Musical ," my daughter told him.  
"And even Mighty Phaethon and quest for the Holy Grail. That one make you makes you look a total dummy. And... there about how Merlin found you. Most them picture my father as an old man with gray hair but look at him... anyway there's one about the exculbur, you know thing you pulled out the rock... my favorite how are stories my favorite share with us in class,"

" In class?"

" My father is a professor ( a teacher ) at the school I go too... he teaches Science, history and myths and legends,"

" Wow, Merlin I didn't know you where that smart. I always thought you where an idiot,"

" He is according to Queen Guinevere," my said once again.

" I wonder where she got he charm from?" Arthur said as we made are way to the school.

" So what you your students about me... Merlin?" he asked as when continued down the road to school.

" Tell them of how you where greatest prince of all time even some times you know a-bit of a Clotpole. My favorite story I tell them is of our friendship and how I kept saving your bum over and over again,"

" I hope the will see how special our friendship was or is because form this day forward I am never leaving your side, Merlin,"

" Arthur I can't just give up life for you... but everything has changed,"

" Your are still my manservant, right?"

" Arthur please... we have to work things out with Guinevere. She still a live... she gave this teaching job,"

" Merlin how did you keep everyone one a live?"

" The magic did,"

" but you are magic, aren't you,"

" yes... everything was frozen until you back into town,"

" umm what does this mean...?"

" It means that we have lived the same until the day my children where born and then even after that until you come back,"

" You did exactly the same thing everyday until I came back,"

" Yes Arthur, we did the world kept changing around us but Guin, the Knights, Gauis, and I never changed, we all stayed the same,"

" I still don't understand what happened!"

" When Morgana came back form the dead, she use her magic  on me so that would get married and I have children... I am married a princess named Theodora,"

" How did Morgana came back?"

" I am not sure but it happens sixteen years ago and I have waited for day of your return and here you Arthur right in front of me,"

Arthur was alive. Morgana was live and distorting everyone happiness wait til she find out Arthur alive...

Merlin you told me remember. I am not the one you should be afraid off, if Guinevere ever found out you love Arthur more than you should she would destroy you. Emrys.

Morgana have had enough with you. Seriously learn to live a little and beside Guinevere is live with Lancelot anyway, she married Arthur.

Umm excuse me, my wife isn't in love with Lancelot she married obviously. You dummy. And Morgana leave MY MANSERVANT ALONE OR I WILL KILL YOU, sister dear.

Arthur you can hear us?

Yes ever since you woke me up.

I see then, that you return to Guinevere and I am sorry exposing Merlin's love for you Arthur.

It's is fine. I Already how he felt. I have heard his thoughts ever the day feel asleep. Did ever cross that maybe I would or could feel same. Morgana you ever be queen. End of discussion.

I hate the both you.

Morgana. We know this.

So Arthur you feel the some way.

Yeah. It only took me a thousand years but I do love you Merlin... I am just not sure how?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2018 ⏰

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