Chapter 6

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"Damn it! Tallis looked up from her computer, watching Charlotte have another breakdown. Since she'd gotten out of lock-up she'd been having more of her episodes. It was concerning but also understandable. That snake Jonathan Black had strung her along. All the while planning to take her down. Leave her to the vultures. She knew it the minute she set her eyes on the guy. Too good looking, too accommodating, too much of flare and not enough substance. She couldn't get Charlotte to see it.

She had been absolutely smitten, especially when she found out how good in bed he was. That was all she could talk about. Tallis was actually dreading those soppy conversations. Too graphic for her tastes.

She knew that Charlotte was different. Scary smart but also a bit off. Her ideas usually ended up with the crew being well compensated for their efforts. But, this last job, well that went downhill real fast. And, to top it off, those damn twins were retrieving all the booty systematically. How, she couldn't fathom. She had suspicions that Charlotte knew, but like always, wouldn't tell her or any of the others anything other than what they needed to know to complete their individual tasks.

When she picked her up she seemed frantic. The first place, after changing into the jeans and black tee shirt, she wanted to go to a Walgreens. Tallis was surprised. When she got there, she was going to accompany Charlotte and was told in no uncertain terms to stay in the car. Whatever it was, she wasn't privy to. She had waited outside that drug store for maybe fifteen minutes. When Charlotte returned she seemed to have returned to herself. She didn't have purchases with her either, that was odd. She seemed determined and had a crazy smile on her face.

They returned to the warehouse district and everything seemed to pick up where it had left off. She had Decker come in and she contacted the co-ordinator. Next thing she knew they were heading to Japan to retrieve the samurai sword and jade artifacts. Of course, when they got to the destination the items were gone.

Charlotte had talked to the people guarding it. That's when she discovered that a tall, good looking man, the one that came with them last time, had arrived to recover the items a few days ago. That was the cause of the current tantrum.

She was screaming and pounding the bed, the pillows and throwing most of the items from the counters at the wall. From experience, Tallis knew it would be a bit before she got herself under control. She glanced at Decker who was busy playing with some kind of tool. Greasing it she thought.

"I trusted him....I never trust anyone!" More throwing, a glass vase smashing against the wall next to the couch where Tallis and Decker were sitting. "That stops now. No more distractions. They will not win!"

Back to the Black twins. Whatever the vendetta was she had against them was still burning inside her. Tallis judged her demeanour and put her laptop on the couch and got up. Standing in front of her she noticed that Charlotte was getting her breathing back to normal. She was coming back to herself. She looked at her computer, then smiled at her makeup artist.
"Okay....okay, new plan. I don't have the map any longer but I think I can remember some of the places we went and put the stash." Tallis had been shocked when she had realized that she had put her faith in Jonathan for keeping records of where the acquisitions were to be kept. That had been so unlike her. "I don't remember exactly, but generally I know where some of it is." She started to pace, slamming her chain she wore around her neck into her hand. "I'm glad I put some of the cash and gems in the safe deposit box in National Bank. That'll be the first stop. I need capital. Decker, call the co-ordinator, arrange pick up." He sighed and went to do as directed. Tallis was getting Charlotte's make up freshened, to remove the evidence of the breakdown. She handed her the two toned contacts. Why she wanted the two coloured eyes was a mystery to her. They had served their purpose for the original endeavour but now, it was just a reminder how badly things had turned out. Maybe that was why she wanted to wear them. Who the hell knew what was going on in that mind. Didn't really concern her as long as she was well paid.

DECEPTION: It's Complicated (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now