15: Get Educated

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Ash, you awake?


Of course I'm awake! It's the middle of the day here silly


I have dome news you might like


** some news


Lol what is it


Prom got cancelled


What? Why?


Postponed, technically.




The venue had a little fire, no one was hurt, they can't let people in until the fire damage is fixed

Obvi it's not going to get fixed by tomorrow night

So Prom is postponed even though most of the international students can't make it


I'm sorry, snowflake <3 I know u were really looking forward to it


It's ok it's not like it's completely cancelled.


When is the new date


The student life coordinator lady said they said they should be back up in a month… so July 11th :)



I have an idea ;)


Do tell


    Ashton doesn't respond immediately, so I start flicking through channels on the TV in my bedroom. Technically, I'm supposed to be well asleep by now, because my fricking graduation is tomorrow, and Mom thinks I need to be well-rested beforehand. She's not wrong, but I can't seem to fall asleep.

    The beginning of a Two and a Half Men episode catches my eye, so I try to settle my mind by immersing myself in the hedonistic life of the barely-fictionalized version of Charlie Sheen. It never fails to amaze me how many innuendos and one-liners the writers manage to fit into a half-hour space, and the episode I'm watching is no different. You also have to wonder, though, Is there actually anyone who lives that way?

    Is there anyone who legitimately lives in a fantastic house, making a ton of money from a job they don't actually seem to care all that much about? Does all of that money always seem to disappear as fast as it comes, in a whirlwind of strippers and booze and prostitutes?

The Get-Go [Ashton Irwin]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum